The Left: Trump causes Hurricanes and Oil companies are murderers – IOTW Report

The Left: Trump causes Hurricanes and Oil companies are murderers

14 Comments on The Left: Trump causes Hurricanes and Oil companies are murderers

  1. You should see what Trump did to my driveway. After they pulled up the old blacktop, we found geo matting covered with sandy clay. The ground underneath was fluid, likely due to Trump. 4 truckloads of 6″ rock, 4 loads of C6, they might repave it next week. Damn that Trump, this was supposed to be a 2 day job and cost me $1000’s less!

  2. Trump will continue to be blamed for any natural or unnatural disasters such as earthquakes, tornados, floods, hurricanes, himmacaines, dam collapses, airplane crashes, bridge collapses, sinkholes, lighting strikes and anything else that the lamestream media can misconstrue to be detrimental to The presidents righteous efforts to bring our country back to sanity.
    I have become leery to believe anything I see on the news from any source. Journalist have become liberal propagandists. We can no longer trust any of them entirely.

  3. One looks at mass hypnosis/hysteria from the Dutch tulip bulb craziness to Lysenko in the USSR to the Cultural Revolution in China and ponders: however do people go so “mass mad?”

    I hope that the present TDS will cause many people to come to their senses, but I don’t know. Could it get worse? ….Lady in Red

  4. In our family, we think journalists are “sluts and jiggers(male sluts)”. Even if they were standing in front of a burning building, and said the building is on fire, I would not believe them – there have been so many lies told over the last few decades.

  5. Dear President Trump:

    I cannot find my car keys. Please use your powers to locate them quickly because I am late for work. Also, we are planning a birthday party for my kid in the park next Saturday, can you arrange for a sunny day perhaps in the mid 70s with no rain? And my neighbor blocked my car in again yesterday; please shoot lighting bolts out of your fingers like Emperor Palpatine and teach him a lesson – that would be so awesome.



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