The Left, Unquestionably, Is the PARTY OF STUPID – IOTW Report

The Left, Unquestionably, Is the PARTY OF STUPID

I’m sick of this debate. It’s not arguable. If the aim is to improve America, as it was founded, the left is the party of stupid.

If the aim is to dismantle America, as it was founded, the left is the party of evil.

15 Comments on The Left, Unquestionably, Is the PARTY OF STUPID

  1. Was listening to an old Steely Dan song, when suddenly the chorus lyrics took on a very modern context:

    I heard it was you
    Talkin’ ’bout a world
    Where all is free
    It just couldn’t be
    And only a fool would say that

  2. Folks like us know of their evilness. I think too many of us are quick to label them as being “stupid” when in my view that doesn’t compute, considering around half the country is replete with like minded group think. Consider also how much of the business, education, media and government entities these “stupid” people are in control of… like I said, we know how evil they are, as it’s on display every minute of every day and it never falters. I think they’re “smarter” than we give them credit for, at our own peril.

  3. He should ask ‘if an American were to travel to Mexico, UK, whatever, would they have the right to vote there?’ And follow with ‘what if they decided to just live there, overstayed their visa – would they have the right to vote?’

  4. I’d swear it was David Mamet (playwright), but I still can’t find the exact PERTINENT quote…it goes something like:

    “In order to be a liberal these days, there are a lot of things you must not know.”

    p.s. On the topic of Mamet, IF YOU KNOW any PERSUADABLE Leftists or Middle-Of-The-Road folks, please recommend they read David Mamet’s 2011 book “THE SECRET KNOWLEDGE”…his “coming out” book (related to his magazine article, “Why I am no longer a brain dead liberal”).

  5. Col. Angus: I think they should have pixillated her face, too!

    Oh, and when are we gonna get an interview with some REAL Americans on the street that know all about this country??HUH?? And then do a contest between Socialists And Patriots?

    Jay Leno did a “JayWalk” episode once where the Grandpa answered ALL the questions about American History. Here’s a bit of it: Go to 2:00 for the good part. And again at 5:04. No idea what language the captions are! It was the only clip of this I could find. There’s a longer one somewhere with more from Grandpa.


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