The Left Will Probably Count This As a Gun Death – IOTW Report

The Left Will Probably Count This As a Gun Death

Tragedy. Boy pulls barbecue on top of himself and dies from injuries.

NTDWA–ย His mother was in the yard doing chores when she heard the heavy object fall. She found her son unconscious underneath it. Neighbours heard her screaming and ran to help.

The barbecue was shaped like a gun. ย —> click more

“I just heard the lady scream and once we got over there, we just saw the grill was on top of the kid’s head,” said Juan Martinez. “It was pretty heavy, whenever they or we lifted it up, we barely were able to pick it up because it was so heavy.”

9 Comments on The Left Will Probably Count This As a Gun Death

  1. Tragic – very sorry for the family.

    I wish the artisan who built that kinda cool cooker had put it on a wider base. The little wheels on the narrow base suggest his idea was that it would be used on a hard surface, brick or concrete. The owners instead rolling it out on uneven ground put it outside its design parameters.

  2. Who the hell makes a big heavy metal barbecue grill like that (of any shape, but particularly a tip-prone one such as a revolver) and
    then puts it up on wheels, two of which look like they may be on casters? Talk about an accident waiting to happen! I bet this isn’t the first time that thing has gone over.

    “Look out Grandma, here comes the hot coals…!”

    Sorry, kid. Darwin awards can sometimes be retroactive, I guess.

  3. Sympathy to the family.

    They don’t say how old the child was, but he looks like a toddler. You have to watch those suckers EVERY second lest they get into trouble.

  4. Measure twice, cut once. If the wheeled cart was made about 6-8″ wider, this kid would still be alive.

    Ban all home brewed projects!

    I do like the fire box built into the grip but think it might transfer too much heat to cylinder.

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