The Left Will Tell You Straight Out That They Hate America – IOTW Report

The Left Will Tell You Straight Out That They Hate America

Look at this headline at Breitbart-

ESPN’s Kellerman: NFL Is ‘Injecting Politics’ by Playing the National Anthem at Games.

The left thinks the national anthem is political. That tells you all you need to know.

Which political party do they think the anthem caters to? Colin Kaputnik’s?


14 Comments on The Left Will Tell You Straight Out That They Hate America

  1. There are no places for patriotism or Nationality in a one world government.
    Look at the EU and the UN for the recipe of domination and subjugation of Nation States. A hybrid of democratic socialism and communism.
    “We are the World”, absent freedoms enumerated in our Constitution. The EU and the UN succeeding where Hitler and Stalin failed.

  2. no wonder ESPN is in the toilet. If anyone at ESPN has a pair of cojones Kellerman will be out of a job pdq, or at least he should be. Outrageous anti American statements are no longer funny or amusing. you can only endure the screeching of fingernails on the blackboard for so long.

  3. I have nothing good to say about Bill Ayers (or the SDS, Tom Haydn, Jane Fonda etc.) or Bernadine Dohrn ever. They’re two of the biggest reasons that I hate the left, they both should still be rotting away in prison never to have poisoned our culture the way they did back in the 60’s and 70’s.

  4. I like to think these haters will eventually become the hated. We don’t have time for this crap in America if we want a future and that’s just it – they don’t.

  5. The Left Is under the false impression that they are striving for a one world utopia like Star Trek. Star Fleet headquarters is located in San Franscisco after all. However, the Left is the Borg. A hive mind of hate.

  6. Remove them from the country with loss of citizenship and all assets. We are a capitalist country not a bank account for the world or a punching bag for the haters.

  7. What a Fussy Pussy, He somehow Thinks He’s an Instant Bob Costas. There’s no room for anyone Else Getting Political with Sports, Costas is Bad Enough !

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