The Leftist claim that Chik-fil-A has the slowest drive-thru lines displays perfectly that the left can’t math – IOTW Report

The Leftist claim that Chik-fil-A has the slowest drive-thru lines displays perfectly that the left can’t math

Why do we let such morons shape policy? They truly are flat out stupid.

Red State-

Of the 10 fast-food chains QSR visited, Chick-fil-A was the slowest with an average time of 322.98 seconds or about 5 minutes and 23 seconds. The lengthy waits come even as the company has started using iPads for taking orders and expanded to double drive-thrus.

While it may take longer to get your food from a Chick-fil-A, the line is moving the absolute fastest. The only difference is that more people are at Chick-fil-A.

If the same kind of line was seen at a McDonald’s, you can bet you’d be waiting quite a bit before you got your food due to their slow delivery time.


The reason that the left is far dumber than the right is that if one fails to grasp the simple Chik-Fil-A concept they will naturally gravitate to the party of stupid – the democrat party.

33 Comments on The Leftist claim that Chik-fil-A has the slowest drive-thru lines displays perfectly that the left can’t math

  1. I waited 22 minutes – INSIDE – at McDonalds, last time I was there. 😮

    Which, coincidentally, will BE the last time I was there! 😡

    HAIL, Chick-Fil-A, and their SPEEDY drive-thrus!!!

  2. They’re always busy, always. Like, line out of the parking lot into the street busy. Good for them!
    Also, I’ll wait an extra 5 minutes in line because they’re nice, the order is correct and they speak English.
    That’s not saying I have not heard accents, but they do speak English.

    Try getting ANY English at Taco Bell or Burger King.

  3. As soon as I read the headline I said to myself: They may have the longest lines, but they are most definitely not slow and slowest. In fact they are the fastest that I can think of.

    As an aside, I used to work next to a Sam’s Club and they had a cashier who just didn’t fit into their business model. The guy moved customers through his line like a Costco does. He also always had the longest lines at his kiosk, and they were all regular customers who knew the drill. Then one day I went there and he was gone. Six months later I was in a local Costco and, low and behold, there he was. He saw me and we both smiled and since he was not on a register we had the opportunity to chat. He said that he got sick of being given a raft of shit by everyone from other checkers to the manager of the Sam’s Club is what motivated him to go check out the employment prospects at Costco three or four miles away.

  4. You drive up to McD and see five cars in line, you’re going to pass on McD. You drive up to Chik-Fil-A and see fifteen cars in line, you’re getting in that line.

  5. This will be silly, but my favorite CFA memory was actually waiting in the drive-thru line. It was the week of Christmas, 10 years ago, and my sister, brother-in-law, their pug and I were on the way up to visit our parents. We hit CFA and while in line we happen to come up to the windows and could see patrons eating. The pug, wearing her Santa cap, jumped in my brother-in-law’s lap (he was driving) and started barking at the customers. Some started pointing and laughing and shortly, there must have been over a dozen customers (mostly kids) looking out the window, smiling and laughing. As we drove past the window, this adorable little girl looked up and wearing a huge smile on her face, waved goodbye to our pug. So yeah, one of my brief, favorite memories of Christmas, was waiting in line at CFA.

  6. If you happen to go to a McDonald’s and sit down. Notice the last car in line after you place your order. Guaranteed that car will be served and gone before you get your lukewarm food. I don’t know why they even have a dining area if they prioritize the drive through.

    It’s also the reason they want to give you a numbee. Before letting everyone sneeze on your food while they search every table for your number.


  7. I just had the most delicious grilled chicken sandwich at CFA on Tuesday. My little town doesn’t have one, so I drive 30 miles every so often to give them my business. I will gladly by-pass the usual fast food joints on the way. Why settle for less?

  8. My ex boyfriend worked at the Jack in the Box drive thru in his teens. He didn’t mind it because it was better than slinging food. But that wasn’t supposed to be his job when he got hired. He only worked the drive thru because he was the only one who spoke English. (He is hispanic, pero no habla espanol) He was paid the highest and got a lot of overtime. LOL.

  9. Raised in SF, SD we knew what fast food was. Fast line, food quick and well done, even at Mcd’s. It was typical south dakota efficiency. We moved to a town in central AZ in mid 80’s. Discovered they had no clue what “fast food” was.

  10. I live in a town without a CFA, so on a trip to G.R. For a wedding I wanted to try it.
    The line started out on the road, no parking and the drive thru backed up. We went to a mall parking lot and got in line outside.
    Well worth the wait and a lot of other people agree. Had a nice time talking to others in line and the staff was working their butts off.

    I’ll be a regular when I’m in a town with one.

  11. QSR should eat where the taste of the food sucks. Those places always have shorter wait times till your meal is served.
    Places with the (undeclared) motto – FOOD THAT SUCKS SERVED FAST.
    (yeah, it’s not as good as the old highway rest stop billboard – Stop Here Eat and Get Gas)

    Life is not hard enough for the people at QSR. Life is too easy. They have lots of free time to devote to creative-whining with the goal to find something to bitch n moan about.

  12. Saying McDonald’s drive thru is superior to CFA based solely on line time is like saying Judy Garland would have made a better guide through the Australian outback than Steve Irwin because she had been stung and bitten fewer times.

  13. I never eat fast food. But I do go to CFA.

    Senora Guevara isn’t some fancy lady in a pillbox hat. No, she wields a poop knife with the best of them.

    On occasion, she has asked me to go to a McD’s to pick her up something to satisfy her proletarian palate. No more. When I arrived at the drive thru, the sun was still shining. After 20 minutes of an already short line not moving, I said fuck this, you’re getting Sonic.

    Go to Sonic, order some BS and leave. It’s dark now. Street lights are on. Driving back by the McD’s and the car originally in front of me had just pulled up to the window.

    Hate those people.

    I would have hit the Hardee’s but their lesbians on work release have more tattoos on them than there are items on the menu.

  14. Even with 5 or 6 cars in line at McDs, they have you pull forward after you pay and wait an additional few minutes.
    You know your at a Mcds when the sign in the door says “Sorry, we’re OPEN”.

  15. Been to In-n-Out during lunch hour? That’s a long time in line.
    By the way, when is the atheist Left gonna boycott In-n-Out? They’ve got BIBLE VERSES printed on their burger wrappers, drink cups, and fries boxes.

  16. Just wait until the Cathy family decides to expand outside of the chicken market. They could start BEEF-FIL-B’s at opposite ends of town from their current Chic-fil-a’s and would wipe out the competition if just a few years.

  17. My local McDonalds was also very slow on the uptake with their reader board sign that said McCraps instead of McWraps that was on the sign for a few days before some one finally realized the spelling was wrong. I drove by there often and wasn’t going to tell them that their sign was wrong. I actually thought it was hilarious that there were that many stupid people passing by and didn’t figure it out sooner. And we’re supposedly still in line to get a Chick-Fil-a next year in Spokane, woo hoo!

  18. Hmmmm….I rarely get fast food, but when I do go to Chick-Fil-A, I’m through in 2-4 minutes flat. The last 3 times my wife asked me to go through McDonald’s drive-thru to get just a drink or ice cream cone, it was 5-10 minutes of non-movement each time. Don’t even get me started on the time last month when we decided to try Burger King again after many years of not eating there, where the cashier dropped half of my incorrect change on the ground (she literally could not do simple math, we were supposed to get a dollar back paying exact change, she instead mis-tallied and tossed a handful of random coins at me that went straight to the ground below) and was dumbfounded on how to calculate correctly. Honestly it was $7.32 and we gave $10.32, when we told her that we should have gotten 3 singles back, she actually said “Nuh, you jus gave me a 2 dimes, 2 nickels and and 2 pennies”, right before she took out her cell phone, added it up again, and then sat there staring at the wall for 20 seconds before the manager asked her what happened.

    At least at Chick-Fil-A I get clean, happy, coherent kids at the window who have an idea of how to do their job, I don’t get that anywhere else these days.


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