Beliefs so illogical they easily implode – IOTW Report

Beliefs so illogical they easily implode

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11 Comments on Beliefs so illogical they easily implode

  1. Men can also refuse to get married or take part.

    “Fix it yourself” are my new favourite words.

    It used to be: “Tell the customer to go Fuck Himself.” , but tat was so 1980’s to 2019.

  2. The issue here is which one do you abort, the man or the human baby? Sterilization rarely fails. There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

  3. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong here;

    It’s NOT OK for someone to take horse paste to try to cure a case of covid, which even if it doesn’t work won’t hurt them or anyone else… but it IS OK for someone to take horse paste to kill their own child.

  4. @Goldenfoxx May 5, 2022 at 8:52 am

    > There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

    I think I have to disagree. Not sure, because wizards who tell you that, “Words have meaning. So reality isn’t. Now pay me.” use “man” to mean different things. At the same time. So you must pay them.

    I have never met “a man”, I have never read (even on the internets, so it must be true) of “a man”, who wanted their baby killed. So it’s killers could win cash and prizes.

    I have… etc., etc…. who didn’t want to be the consolation cash and prizes for those who could have killed their children.

    Baby (murder as) sacrifice is always “blamed” on The Patriarchy(TM). “Men” (non-birthing economic units) are overwhelmingly against killing babies for cash and prizes. They’re just not as against it as they are against being the, individual, cash and prizes for birthing economic units. When the birthing economic units, decide what cash and consolation prizes the non-birthing economic units, will “provide”.

    Do “you” (collectively), want baby sacrifice for economic gain to stop? As feminists “warn” you: Leave the decision to CIS normative things with a penis.

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