The Left’s Changing Narrative on Covid Exonerates the President of Any Supposed Irresponsibility – IOTW Report

The Left’s Changing Narrative on Covid Exonerates the President of Any Supposed Irresponsibility

Everything the left says blows up in their faces, that’s because they always lie and the truth will out.

It’s no secret they are loving this dempanic and view it as an opportunity.

Pelosi didn’t mince words. She said so—>

In order for the left to have a continuing “opportunity”, they must have a permanent crisis. And the changing narrative provides the blueprint for this perpetual state control.

What’s the new narrative?

The virus is here to stay.

The WHO is now saying that the virus may never go away. Shelter-in-place has now become we-will-never-go-back-to-normal.

Dr. Fece (sic) has announced that kids shouldn’t be allowed to go back to school until someone has developed a vaccine. There is no SARS vaccine or a MERS vaccine, and Fece knows that. We’ve been living with those coronaviruses without an itchy trigger finger on the shutdown button. But somehow Corona is different. Somehow this virus is the black plague and it’s the end of… well, Trump.

The Spanish Flu lasted 3 years. What if this virus keeps reappearing year after year after year?

It could happen. But let me ask the left this. If that is the case, how is this Trump’s fault? It seems to me that Trump’s initial response to shut down the border and keep out anyone who’d been in contact with the hot spot was our best chance.

But the left called him xenophobic, because it’s always about being contrary with whatever he says and does first, and then desperately trying to make the case that he should be out of office afterward.

If there is a silver lining to this virus, it’s that in the left’s glee to leverage this disease by framing it as a perpetual crisis, they are saying that no one, not even a leftist in shining armor, could have done a thing.

Trump’s off the hook, permanently.

If it is here to stay, I think most Americans would like to see Trump in charge rather than a salivating Pelosi, and her henchmen, who view this as their “opportunity.”

16 Comments on The Left’s Changing Narrative on Covid Exonerates the President of Any Supposed Irresponsibility

  1. Dems don’t really have a plan, they just throw something out there until people see through the bullshit and they move on or ramp it up. They know the states are going to open because governors cave to the will of the people or the courts call the govs retards and force them to open up.
    The last thing voters heard was the Dems saying shut everything down and keep it shut down, and Trump saying to open the country up. Plus, all the conflicting info and the lies make people ignore ALL info.

    The captains have turned off the seatbelt sign, so feel free to move about the cabin.

  2. “THE TRUTH WILL OUT” !!!!!!!

    I was just advising my daughter this; told her to watch, with merriment, as the lies collapse away…..

    And boy do I miss the days when healthcare in the USA was the best available anywhere. It still is now, depending on who you know and what resources you can muster.

  3. PS Shame, shame on US doctors. The AMA = AARP = Sierra Club

    The blame rests solely on leftist politicians (obola/pelosy/biden and the bendover RINOS), BUT real doctors would have put up a real fight, a boycott, SOMETHING meaningful.

  4. What Pelousy and her friends seem to ignore is that her fear mongering is playing to her base……and the distrust of the government that she is trying to get to bloom in the population in general is shared not by her base, but by Trump’s base. We already know that Trump had little choice but to listen to the experts back in February, and we see that he is trying to tread a line between full opening and LA full shut down and quarantine.
    “Fingers” Biden is doomed and Nancy is going for the gusto as fast as she can before the end of Congress in December–she knows that she isn’t going be wielding any gavel in January.

  5. @Gonad the Barbarian – to answer your question? TOO FUCKING MANY, that’s how many…it turns out now. I even am beginning to understand that WWI and Wilson was the start of unnecessary involvement in a foreign action/war.

    Skip, WWII and after Korea, it became a military industrialized complex , hence Viet Nam(corporations) and the Wars for the oil that we were told that we cannot drill for HERE (enviromentalists).

    DJT is changing that mentality. Especially now after the Whuflu…he said like just yesterday to P Navarro, he ‘does not want to EVEN talk about China(and trade) right now”. GULP.

  6. BFH
    MAY 15, 2020 AT 12:54 PM
    ““They” would be me. ha.”

    …sorry, didn’t pick up that it wasn’t a link.

    …but you COULD use a more prominent byline for we duffers, we tend to glance more that you young’uns, and you deserve recognition for your wordsmithing, too…

    …but now that I’ve got you, you DID write “Sic” on it, which, for our youngsters, is Latin for “Thus” or “Just As”, a shorthand for misspellings being quoted generally taken to mean “This is as I found it”. In my defense, that’s what I was thinking, unless you meant it as an acknowledgement that YOU were deliberately misspelling it, to avoid OT discussions like THIS with curmudgeons like M…

    …oh, is THAT what you meant?

    …sorry, I’ll go away quietly now…

  7. @Lazlo May 15, 2020 at 12:03 pm

    > Give us Liberty or we’ll get up and get it ourselves

    No! Not yet! It’s not the right time! Stay on the couch! Let the Professional Patriots handle this! They’re waiting for a sign! It’s all part of The Plan!


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