The Left’s Darling for 2020? It’s not who you think – IOTW Report

The Left’s Darling for 2020? It’s not who you think

The mayor of South Bend, Indiana is the frontrunner amongst lefty journalists and pundits.

I’ll bet 90% of the public do not know how to pronounce his name – Pete Buttigieg.

It’s pronounced Click Here.

Seriously, though, I wouldn’t laugh. Before they are done, the lefty media is going to make this guy out to be THE CLEAR CHOICE for saving the planet universe.

He’s nothing more than a polished AOC who knows what the words he uses mean, and knows the political landmines to avoid while pushing a far left progressive worldview.

And the complicit media will not report that South Bend is becoming a cesspool of violence under his leadership.

Daniel Greenfield-

By 2017, shootings had risen 20% on Mayor Buttigieg’s watch.

The media’s bias has never been subtle, but its disinterest in a presidential candidate’s track record has never been this blatant. Mayor Buttigieg’s candidacy is being covered as if he weren’t the mayor of an actual city with actual problems. Instead, his prospects have been covered purely in terms of his identity, a gay millennial, his past career before taking office, and his current witticisms and applause lines.

32 Comments on The Left’s Darling for 2020? It’s not who you think

  1. LOL….I know how to pronounce it….


    The left and their Identity politics….don’t they know we already had a Gay President and he was married to a Tranny no less!

  2. That f–king idiot Hugh Hewitt thinks we should be donating to this fruit! Because Buttigieg’s supposed “centrist” positions would make all the socialists look bad in the Dem debates! Is that not the most Uniparty, Nevertrump, Establishment bullshit you’ve heard today?? Hewitt, you’re hopeless.

  3. We have reached the same low point that the Roman Empire reached with the ascendancy of Elagabalus (AD 218-222) to the Emperor’s throne, a Roman soy-boy, cross-dresser, and outrageous queer.

  4. This is going to be a hard decision for Rectum-sex Enthusiasts. Will they be placing all their money on Senator Spartatookitupthebackpassage Booker or on Mayor Pete Buttiplug? How about a compromise with both of these gaybos on the ticket? Trump might even lose San Francisco if these two get coupled up for the 2020 election.

  5. The democrat hierarchical point system provides 1 point each for the following protected classes:
    Unconvicted sexual predator.

    Then there are reverse points -1

    Jews get minus 666 in today’s democrat party

    Score so far?
    Biden -2. He gets a positive 1 for being an unconvicted sexual predator but he professes to be a christian and is male and heterosexual.
    Bootygig -1 homo plus 1. White minus 1. Male minus 1.
    Kamala Harris. Score undetermined. Black + 1. Female +1 religion and sexual preference unknown. Sure she slept with Willie Brown, but that was just business. Probably didn’t dig it much. Lik ly
    a black female muslim homosexual, putting her at plus 4.

    Score other candidates for yourselves.

  6. I love IOTW!
    My verbage edumacation here gets so expedned daily…
    Cameltoe, Buttplug, fudge packer, Goatse, Bootijizz, Buttlejuice, Buttgouge,
    Rectum-sex Enthusiasts (had to make some room for that one), Tippecanoe (summer camp memories), ogh, U magnificient drags!
    My wish for you’s, a blessed day all!
    (don’t axe’s)
    Just be well,,,

  7. @Supernightshade

    Agreed, his name name won’t make it.

    The world would have been spared a tragic and senseless war had Adolf Hitler’s father Alois Schickelgruber not changed his surname to Hitler.


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