The left’s defense of Biden – IOTW Report

The left’s defense of Biden

Okay, let’s disseminate this bullshit.

First of all, where is the proof Biden stuttered his “entire life”? I’ve been watching this jackass his entire political career and he never stuttered. He just said stupid shit, very eloquently.

Where is the stutter in this clip?

Is he suddenly relapsing? Why would this happen?

He is not losing his memory or getting senile? How do we know this, because he used to stutter? No need to give gramps a senility test, it’s just the stutter he had 60 years ago coming back.

He has been through more than most of us have faced in our lifetimes? What does that even mean? The rich, senator/vice president has suffered from what? Loss of a family member? I have news for whatever phuktard wrote this meme. EVERYONE loses family members.

Finally, “he devoted his life to public service.”

LOL. You’re not supposed to be a career politician. A short-term public servant is a bit of a sacrifice. A career politician is a life of privilege, it is nothing to be martyred about.

This meme is assinine.

ht/ RickeyG

26 Comments on The left’s defense of Biden

  1. Joe is like an old truck with frayed wiring. Every time he hits a little bump, he shorts out momentarily. When he finally blows a fuse, game over.

  2. A career politician with zero legislative accomplishments. Hell, at Least Ted got Judge Bork Bork’ed, Joe couldn’t even eight-six Clarence Thomas in his confirmation hearings, what a loser.

    After the left forgave him for his,”Clean articulate Blackman” comment, at that point he knew him and his dignity would never be reunited again. He got relegated to washing Obama’s car and walking Bo.

  3. Joe has to be Manacled to the Dais to keep Him from licking the

    Teleprompter…He only stutters on one word…..P-p-p-p-pedophile.

  4. Ima tellin’ ya- ask him what the date is. Then ask him to draw a clock.

    @Rich Taylor: “He got relegated to washing Obama’s car and walking Bo.”
    I think you got that backwards.
    “Bo, take joey for a walk and get him out of here for a while”
    and while we’re talking about Bo- where are those dogs? Did they choke on chicken bones that big mike’s mother left behind after practicing santeria in the White House?

    biden is past his ‘best use by’ date

  5. Stuttering is not an excuse for stupidity or venality. If it was an excuse for these two character flaws, it still wouldn’t explain why Dementia Joe’s mental decline should be overlooked by his political party or the voters. Joe Obiden Bama can’t handle what’s in store for him once he is untethered from his teleprompter.

  6. I notice arrows on the left and right of the Rainman spin. I’m assuming one arrow goes to the anger issues spin, and the other goes to his creep factor spin.

  7. How do you go from stuttering to bullying and calling people crazy things like a lying dog face pony soldier or calling someone fat that disagrees or telling someone they aren’t black if they don’t vote dem?! How do you reconcile not knowing the city you are in or the year?! Or century? How do you know you aren’t running against another Biden?! Why do you bite your wife’s finger and refer to black children as roaches?! The least of his issues is repeating himself. Lefties don’t get memes partly because they don’t get humor is rooted in truth.

  8. Like everything else about Biden’s life story, I suspect the stuttering bit is made up too. Just like all the accomplishments in the video above, and the story about his first wife nd daughter being killed by a “drunk driver” (he wasn’t, it was proven that wife #1 was at fault in the accident that resulted in her demise), but never let a crisis go to waste, right Joe?

  9. @Diane

    “Bo, take joey for a walk and get him out of here for a while”.

    When Bo brought Joey back to the WH, he carried a plastic bag in his mouth – a bag of Joey’s poops.

    Obama: Good boy Bo. Didja get all of Joey’s poops?

  10. geoff the aardvark JUNE 8, 2020 AT 4:08 PM

    The left would will support Satan if he was running when he runs for political office


    Actually, they already are Satanic. Any praise or support of God sends them into a frenzy.


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