The left’s disassociation from reality – IOTW Report

The left’s disassociation from reality

All I’ve heard from the left for last few years is that the Handmaid’s Tale is some sort of allegory for Trump’s oppressive and regressive America.

Really? Because this isn’t Hollywood–>


12 Comments on The left’s disassociation from reality

  1. It’s morning in Omohammed’s America. Wake up America and smell the irony! There is but one Allah, and Mohammed is his messenger, and the message is to embrace the Sixth Century. Transforming America one young girl at a time.

  2. The violence against women act past through the house. Now the senate will vote. I guess we should be calling our senators and telling them to vote no. I live in Ohio so I’m sure my 2 fine senators will vote this sham down

  3. erb
    APRIL 5, 2019 AT 7:32 AM

    “The violence against women act past through the house. Now the senate will vote. I guess we should be calling our senators and telling them to vote no. I live in Ohio so I’m sure my 2 fine senators will vote this sham down”

    …there is 0 chance Sherrod “The Beater” Brown will do the right thing, but I’m sure you knew that and posted sarcastically, @erb. I am disgusted that, when the Dems flipped Hamilton County after filling it with illegals, that they gerrymandered me into HIS district, because he REALLY does NOT represent ME…

  4. I hate to write this. Because Canadians are so polite. But the reason “The Handmaid’s Tale” is — even can be — an allegory of the Left, for anything, is because the premise is so laughably stupid. Like socialism that is not communism, like voluntary immigration that benefits the receiving country, like all — not some, but all — the articles of faith of the people on the right side of history. If you stand up the dominoes, that they choose, in the pattern they demand, and tip one… it will always turn out the way any — every — rational person would expect. Which is nothing like the fables of the articles of faith of the people on the right side of history. THIS TALE SUCKS

  5. “… males have felt …”

    And how would you know that?
    You “self-identify” as a male and know how it “feels?”

    What a crock of shit.
    Go to Walmart and see how you want to “gaze upon the female form” of some huge, fat, tattooed, dyed-black-haired monstrosity in short-shorts and tit-tube.

    Damn near make ya lose (loose?) ya lunch.

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Margaret Atwood wrote a Hand Maids Tale and still consults on the TV series. She’s a chunky, old lefty that’s worshiped by Canadian literary types. She’s won awards and the like here (and elsewhere) so you know that conservatives don’t actually get to vote in these champagne and caviar back patting sessions.


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