The left’s fear-mongering – 1970s version – IOTW Report

The left’s fear-mongering – 1970s version

Jimmy Carter proclaiming that the world would be out of oil in 2011.

He’s still alive. Hold him accountable. Put some pepper under his nose and let him break something sneezing.

ht/ meerkat

24 Comments on The left’s fear-mongering – 1970s version

  1. Back then I recall reading and hearing a great deal from insiders about what a phony ill tempered prick he was. He never really lowered t-stats in the White House or actually carried his own luggage etc. As repeatedly told he was condescending and aloof toward staff and a short tempered son of a bitch.
    He created the false image of himself that exists to this day.
    He was no “nice guy”.

  2. Wow. At least we limited this loser to 1 term and booted his peanut ass.

    Jimmy Carter. Also a miserable Commander in Chief. Our wonderful military suffered greatly during his very long 4 years. Thank God for Reagan!

  3. Another worthless lying hypocrite.

    One out of many. A long line of liars, thieves, hypocrites, and would-be tyrants.

    None of them are dumb enough to believe the vile shit that spews from their orifices – they bet on people being extraordinarily stupid.

    “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

    Of course, they only want to fool enough of the people enough of the time to install their terror apparatus.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. He got my first vote for president when I was 19.

    He made me realize I wasn’t a Democrat and no Dem got my vote for president ever again.

    Coal burns cleaner? Stick with nuclear?

    My how times change, but the Dems get worse.

    New discoveries and inventions are making life is easier for you now? Dems: “We’ll fix that and make you poor and miserable again, just vote us in and see”.

    Now that we are an exporter of oil and energy options keep increasing, are we celebrating that civilization doesn’t really have energy supply problems? No. Now they don’t want us to have ANY energy use – not even wood burning stoves or fireplaces to keep warm.

    They just hate humanity and are only starting to admit it as part of their platform.

    When does CWII start so this can end? They already have various uniforms that identify them like – pussy hats, “I’m still with her” shirts, black outfits with faces covered, etc.

    Good guys are also identified by not wearing stupid stuff like that. Easy peasy.

  5. Jimmy the Carter as we called him was the last demorat that I voted for.
    he nearly destroyed our tv/motorcycle business with his foolish policies.
    We had to sit in line for hours on whatever odd day we were allowed for gas, while crew members from the oil tankers sat offshore waiting for someplace to unload the oil would visit us and wonder what was happening.
    I will Snoopy dance when he is gone.

  6. DAD-0-4= They don’t just hate you
    Pal,They want you DEAD and off the planet
    so they can create paradise on earth.They
    don’t need us.They got AI, ROBOTS,DRONES,Q-COMPUTERS & SATAN. Eliminate 80% of the world population,the other
    20% will serve the Illuminati…

  7. …Jimmy Carter was just “Obama” without the Islam. He would have done everything “Obama” did, except he lacked the protective coloration to be above question because, rayciss.

    …He also wasn’t as likely to directly import terrorists, but he WAS perfectly content to coddle them and surrender to them at every opportunity. The U.S. Embassy attack was literally an attack on American soil, and an actual United States President would have squashed it IMMEDIATELY, and a couple of cities around it as well as a warning to OTHERS, and we wouldn’t be HERE right now. The only language Muslims ever understand is force, and its lack is ALWAYS understood as weakness and encouragement.. By not slapping Iran down when he easily COULD have, ESPECIALLY since the Shah was an ALLY of ours at the time, he set the stage for ALL Islamic terrorism to come after and is directly responsible for the thousands upon thousands of deaths that have followed, and WILL follow.

    …and you’ll notice his protégé “Obama” ALSO failed to respond to a Muslim attack on, not JUST an Embassy, but an AMBASSADOR. Ambassadors have historically been considered the personification of the nation they represent, so attacking an Ambassador is like attacking the ENTIRE United States in the same way that attacking a uniformed Police Officer USED to be regarded as an attack, not on a MAN, but on Law ITSELF.

    …The Devil is not creative, he only repeats. As his apprentices, the Democrats, his children, end up thinking a LOT like their Father…

    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
    John 8:44

    …the apple never falls far from the tree, and the Democrats were, are, and ever SHALL be poisonous fruit indeed…

  8. @Dadof4

    You make very good points there. The other day I saw “CWII” used in a post and wondered what it meant. Now I know…I’m a little slow on the up-take. Never thought of the clothing as uniforms but you’re right. Thanks for the enlightenment.

  9. Q – “Who has the biggest boobs on Earth?”
    A – “Miss Lillian: Jimmy and Billy.”

    Campaign Ad: “Fritz and Gritz Gimmee the Shitz.”

    Q – “What do Lee Highway, Route 66, and Andy Young have in common?”
    A – “They all go into Rosslyn.”

    Jiminy Cricket Carter – what an ass.
    “You don’t poke a stick at a pole cat.” Was the foundation of his foreign policy.
    Scared of rabbits.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. …”Obama’s” success at weakening this Nation and sowing the seeds of its destruction only angered the vain Carter, turning him bitter and venomous, the same way that President Trump’s success made failures McCain and Romney bitter and hateful. People of that stripe cannot accept that THEY are not given God’s place in Man’s affairs, and consider it a personal insult (“Obama” even SAID as much) if they are rejected.

    …This is why early societies used to wait until a chieftain died, had a man fight to the death to take his place, and killed any failed candidates that survived the selection processes. They were rivals and will REMAIN so after a selection, but they will actively UNDERMINE the new Chief if left alive, with no concern for damage to their people, only for their injured feelings.

    That’s Carter, Romney, McCain, and SO many others in a nutshell.

    …When Carter dies, HIS funeral will be a disgusting display of Trump hatred as well, but not of love for HIM. He is a bitter, vainglorious, repellent, pissy old man, and even a Democrat can’t love him. But I will happily endure his funeral, as long as he is sent firmly to his reward at the end, and one that no Democrat machination can FREE him from at that…

  11. They gotta keep us afraid of something. War, oil shortage, famine, etc…
    I spend my elementary school years under a desk ’cause of the Russians…..Russia, Russia, Russia, famine, famine, famine, Climate change, climate change, climate change, Trump, Trump, Trump

  12. Yeah I remember the billboards that had a picture of a giant gas gauge on it and the needle was on E and it said underneath it ‘What Then’ and it had the word crossed out, instead it was ‘What Now’.
    Jimmy never saw dictator he didn’t absolutely love, a hater of Israel and all things freedom. How is he still sucking our air?

  13. Carter was genuinely clueless, thought very intelligent. Obama was genuinely soros’ organ grinder monkey, not that bright, corrupt and fully aware of the treason he was being paid to commit.


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