The Left’s Increasing Realization That the Lawfare Campaign is Backfiring.   – IOTW Report

The Left’s Increasing Realization That the Lawfare Campaign is Backfiring.  


You might recognize “The Look” when you see it. It made its debut on the faces of American television and media pundits during the early evening hours of Nov. 8, 2016, as the undeniable specter of a Trump presidency began to take hold.

Today, “The Look 2.0” is back. The most recent iteration is a mixture of resignation tinged with intense discomfort – a sanguine sense of impending doom born of the many dysfunctions of the Biden administration and the increasing realization that the lawfare campaign waged against Donald J. Trump is backfiring.  

Accordingly, that constipation-type look is everywhere these days. It can be found on the faces of the alphabet soup of cable TV anchors at six o’clock, on Democratic Members of Congress, or (most recently for me) an attorney friend I ran into after a long absence.

For sure, The Look can be – and often is – a conversation stopper. No surprise here. Those displaying The Look are by and large Trump detractors/haters, politically engaged types who had been assured that the Orange Menace from Queens was gone for good. Jeez, isn’t that what the “fair and balanced Jan. 6 Committee” was supposed to ensure?  


14 Comments on The Left’s Increasing Realization That the Lawfare Campaign is Backfiring.  

  1. The problem is: the damage is done, just like the damage Bill Clinton, Obama and Biden have done to tradition and trust in American governance. the trust is gone, and it’s gone forever. Being there’s no way back, I predict secession.

  2. Trey Gowdy has that ‘Look’.
    The Mad Max Last House on the Left RETARD look.
    It screams off the screen.
    R E T A R D

    Is it the Hair? The ears? The nose?

    I bet he watches SNL. Fox News has been pushing SNL recently. did you notice?

    Whatever happened to Dana Perino. She disappeared again.
    Must be busy planning her Doctors Mercy Ship boarding and State Room reservations and per diem funding.

    Lot of Money to be skimmed up in War Times.

    Somthing Fox News has mastered.

    BTW, if you have to keep Permanant Records of Fox and msNBC and CNN recordings, be sure to capture the commercials too.
    If you give it proper analysis, you will notice some interesting and strange things.

    For example, after 5 plus years, Huckabees ‘Sleep Your Fear Away’ sleeping pills still have 1000 bottles to give away free.

    It’s a scam. They never give away the free ones. They just want your debit card account number for pre-authorized monthly fees and holdings.

    THEY know the Law inside and out.

  3. I think it’s a lot more dynamic than Bob is writing. You know all those memes peeps like to create about the people that just wanted to be left alone? Well they’re real. And they’ve notices the FBI has straight up disobeyed court orders. So has the Department of Justice. So has the highest office in the land. So the law applies to MAGA, but not them. These people have destroyed the Democratic Republic. It hasn’t gone un noticed. The FBI and the DOJ are no longer legitimate law enforcement agencies. If they cheat the next election, or stop it all together, like I believe will happen, THEY will finally get the response they have been after. Enjoy.

  4. Anyone who would vote for candidates from any Party that resorts to that kind of crap is pure unadulterated filth. There is no other way to put it. I mean that statement to be taken literally and without any qualification whatsoever.

  5. Imagine this was a Twilight Zone episode
    And the following events actually occured . . .

    We transport back a few days or a week or so for the first mention of a name of a person that popped back up in the News and its called Fiona Hill.

    It was surrounded by Ballerina impressions. Lamentations too. Anyways, Fiona is sad. It is not clear if Fiona is a Xhe Xem or WTF is it. Do not know.

    What is known: Last time Fiona first popped up, was when THEY wanted to impeach the President because of something about telephone calling Ukraine to say Hello and congratulations.
    Alexandre Vindman, a Ukrainian-American dual-citizen was there representing his Country too. Alexeis brother, another Ukrainian-American Colonel was not there, in an official capacity.

    And the above is not the strange part yet . . .

    So Fiona was on TV this past week with msNBC Rachel Maddow.
    Multiple times but this particuler airing was March 02 of 2024 and her onscreen msNBC chyron stated: Fiona Hill FMR WHITE HOUSE ADVISOR ON RUSSIA.

    Topic: DOJ Arrests Source in Biden Bribery Scandal

    That, ^ ^ ^ , was not weird, either.

    What was weird was what was seen, not heard.

    Fiona was wearing a Gold necklace. Not a dainty Ballerina either. This was BLING size chains round the neck necklace.
    Few woman can pull that size chain off.

    That was a weird, but only a little weird given the weird world msNBC rolls in. Wait until you hear about the weekend Michaels stuffs. Steele and Moore.

    Isn’t that weird. An RNC RINO CHAIRMAN hosting an msNBC SNL show. That’s weird.


    There is MORE

    After the above gold chains were noticed,
    Who should pop up?
    And what was Mika doing that would be related to msNBC, RINOs, Gold, Ukraine, Books, Deals, Women, Empowerment, Money, War and TV?

    She and her husband Joe Scarborough, a ‘Republican Baptist Preacher with an obsession for Soccer and Baseball’ were just sitting there, on TV, with their I Love Me Walls behind them.

    Those I Love Me Walls are strategic. If done right.
    Sometimes, they can reveal more than was intended when originally planned and placed.

    On one of the Walls was a picture. A Photograph. A Real One in a Frame. Small Frame. Like an old snapshot from back in the day, framed. 4 inches by 6 inches in portrait positioning.
    What was in the pic? And Who?

    It was an old lady. Looked like thatt Madeline Albright from the way past State Department Days. Remember her. The Troll. It was either her or Mikas Mom. It would need a closer look. However, that is not the weird part.

    The WEIRD part was she was wearing the EXACT same GOLD CHAIN Necklace. And it was weird. It’s occultish.

    In The Twilight Zone

  6. Jeffery wants us to forget how Trump pushed back The Overton window, so, no, the damage is not done. It is not a waste to vote for Trump.

    As clarence Thomas has proved, anything done can be undone.

  7. “And, truth be told, Number 45 did not do himself any favors with his post-election challenges and rhetoric.”

    And there it is. Come on, Bob, tell the truth: You and your “lawyer friend” spent an hour together bitching about Trump. Either that, or your “lawyer friend” is your alter-ego.

    “…what I saw on the face of my legal colleague when he asked who the GOP’s nominee was really going to be…”

    The projection could not be more obvious, Bob. Nobody is asking that question. But EVERYBODY is asking who the Democrat nominee is really going to be.

    “Bob Ehrlich is a former Governor of Maryland, Member of Congress, and State Legislator.”

    That bio screams “SWAMP” lol but at least you can read the handwriting on the wall. Maybe you’ll get an appearance on Fox News out of this. Is that what you’re really angling for?


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