The Left’s Plan to Exterminate Whites, Christians, and Suburbians Is Real – IOTW Report

The Left’s Plan to Exterminate Whites, Christians, and Suburbians Is Real

Listen to this and then ask yourself, what is the “final solution” to this problem that is laid out.

This is why I said the left must be eradicated. I was not being unreasonable, I was being self-preserving.

25 Comments on The Left’s Plan to Exterminate Whites, Christians, and Suburbians Is Real


    They play Lawfare
    Sounds like RICO TIME

    Organized Corruption

    Whites of the Eyes

  2. Democracy in America is now defined by whatever keeps Jews in power. I’ll never understand conservatives love of Jews, 90% vote democrat and every institution that promotes anti west hate is almost always run by or started by them.

  3. JDHasty, you mean the so called endangered spotted owls that were roosting in K mart signs down in Oregon in the 80’s and 90’s. The spotted owls were never endangered but the gullible public that believed this ecoweenie bs were. Ecoweenies drool, spotted owls and other endangered species like snail darters etc. rule. It was just an attempt by the ecoweenies to curtail logging in Oregon, Wash. state, California because trees were more important to their warped, evil, tree hugging worldview than loggers and their livelihood.

  4. The demoncrats are still fighting the civil war..still using their slaves…they’ve just been paying them with working people’s $ since lbj.
    All the 3rd world “newcomers” will do menial labor for low pay. No more middle class….just haves & have nots.
    Late term aborted babies provide genetic research to benefit “elites” with longer lives.
    They will get their desired utopia when they eradicate all of us Americans…..blacks, too….when they no longer need them.
    We are in trouble, people.

  5. geoff – It was just an attempt by the ecoweenies to curtail logging in Oregon, Wash. state, California because trees were more important to their warped, evil, tree hugging worldview than loggers and their livelihood.

    Rather ironic that they considered trees so important (and they are) back then since they are giant CO2 generators today!! How do they square that now?
    Oh that’s right, they just bury the past!

  6. Lot’s of lies there.

    That’s fine.

    The “White Rural Racists” have a lot of guns. When they make it hot, they are going to be in trouble. And they fucked up when they got rid of all the real soldiers. They would have resisted the orders to fight their countrymen, the fags and trannys they have now will run and hide, or be mobile targets.

    Every day is a good day for target practice.

  7. Well there geniuses, we aren’t a democracy.
    We’re a Republic.
    Their “proof” is that we question the regime and their propaganda machine.
    I see nothing but right with that.
    It’s a laugh they put all those leftist talking points out there as “proof” then claim we want limits on free speech when that is exactly what they are pushing for. Typical tactic.
    They obviously want mind numbed robots and not free citizens.

  8. Here in the rural US is were the nation’s food is produced. We know there are only two genders and anything else is a mental disorder. Racism is more prolific in metro areas like the Fulton county DA’s office. There are more critical thinkers in rural areas that is why a large portion did not buy into the covid pandemic and get the jab. Those bozo’s are the hatemongers that are destroying our Republic. They forget we are not a democracy.

  9. @ Tsquared SATURDAY, 2 MARCH 2024, 9:36 AT 9:36 AM

    Exactly. Every small town in “flyover” country needs to spool back up their local butcher, dairy, grain mill and power plant. It is easy to survive without the government, it is hard to survive with the government fucking things up.

  10. @ Harry SATURDAY, 2 MARCH 2024, 9:25 AT 9:25 AM

    Actually it was all done to force proud, independent people into the cities by destroying their livelihoods.

    What the hell do you think the Fifteen Minute Cities is the culmination of? It certainly isn’t about concern for others. They want people herded into a kill chute eventually, but incremental control over them is what people who choose to live in rural areas frustrates that.

    They are straight up Satanists.

  11. ^ “kill chute” – like driving the herd of ______ off a cliff (ready for harvest at the bottom).

    On the other hand, many of us are thinking about what we’re going to do to them when they come streaming out of their cities looking for food, water, fuel, weapons and women/children to rape.

  12. Guess what religion those motherfuckers are? It’s like a cliche now. And you’re an “antisemite” for noticing what kind of people are always driving anti-white racism.

    Imagine MSDNC promoting a book titled,

    “Urban Jew Calumny, Instigation, & Blood Libel: A Threat to Global Peace”

  13. Indict the dnc on a rico charge, arrest biden and harris for impersonating ELECTED officials, arrest garland as an accessory, remove all jurists nominated/ confirmed from the bench, arrest all judges with Trump cases before them , including Cannon, nullify all laws signed by biden, all executive actions, cabinet appointments, trade agreements, treaties, and policy changes from the last administration. Swear in Trump immediately. Unfortunately that would also include Pence. Trump would serve the rest of this term, and if elected in November an additional 4 year term.

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