The Lewdest Sounding Place in Each State – IOTW Report

The Lewdest Sounding Place in Each State


41 Comments on The Lewdest Sounding Place in Each State

  1. They really missed the mark in Florida.
    There’s a town named…
    wait for it..


    Which is an unincorporated community in Sumter County, Florida,
    located adjacent to the Croom Wildlife Management Area (WMA) near the Withlacoochee River.
    If your looking for it..The Zip Code is 33597

  2. Hey! I live in Negrofoot. Easy big boy.
    The old timers here say that the name came from the slave days. A run away slave was caught and his foot was placed on display as a warning to others. A quaker church not far from here was one of the stops on the underground railroad.

  3. When I worked for the Post Office as a mail sorter back in the mid 80’s I came across a package for Titsville, Wa. (Ritzville) and another for Boners Ferry (Bonners Ferry) Id. It was quite common to find envelopes and packages like that which made the mail sorters laugh. If the zip code is right it doesn’t matter how botched the name on the envelope or parcel is, it’ll still get there for the most part.

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