The Liberals and Their Conservative Chump Pals Hate Democracy – IOTW Report

The Liberals and Their Conservative Chump Pals Hate Democracy

Kurt Schlichter/Townhall:

It’s all lies.

It’s all a fraud.

It’s all designed to turn you into a serf, to allow them to reign over you, free of accountability.

And it’s time for you to, pardon the expression, get woke to exactly what is going on, to see clearly the perilous dynamic of an establishment desperately clinging to power and willing to undermine every principle – there’s that abused and mutilated word again – that is supposed to guide the operation of our society.

The most basic principle that has been dumped like a Kennedy’s girlfriend is the one the self-appointed establishment hates most. It is the notion that power derives from the consent of the governed, that those using that power answer to us Normals.

They hate that idea, and they reject it. Openly. Without apology.

Our establishment is mostly liberal, but with a loud, bitter geek chorus of Conservative, Inc., hacks braying along with their progressive overlords in the faint hope of being reinstated to their comfortable positions locked inside their Beltway gimp boxes once Donald Trump and the Normal rebels he represents are purged from the capital. Liberals are ruthlessly seeking to consolidate and expand their power. They are our enemy and must be defeated, but at least they have the dignity that comes from fighting. Not the Conservanerds. These embarrassing submissives, from the aspiring cruise directors to the the fussy bow tie boys to the the pearl-clutching sissies, all want this ruckus to die down so they can get back to business as usual – losing politely and getting their ration of scraps from the table of their masters.

You could call them lap dogs, but people generally like dogs.

The Nunes memo demonstrates that senior, unelected bureaucrats who identified with the Democrats hid the full truth from the FISA judges in order to obtain warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and transition team.

Let’s say that again, because the lies tend to drown it out.

Democrat operatives in the government spied on the Trump team.

That happened. And the liberals, and many True Conservatives™, do not care. MORE


19 Comments on The Liberals and Their Conservative Chump Pals Hate Democracy

  1. “Are you going to let establishment drive Donald Trump and his allies, and therefore our voices, out of the corridors of power through a deceitful and corrupt abuse of the mechanisms of governance we allowed them to control? Because once we are driven out of power, we are not coming back – if the last couple years have taught us anything, it is that the establishment will use the full weight of the media, the culture and the government to assure that once they beat down our rebellion, they will never again risk allowing us access to a say in our own governance.

    Are you going to let them? Are you going to submit too? Or are you going to fight back?

    ^^^THIS (“fight back”)
    Enough of the Eeyore, “nothing’s ever gonna change” crapola! Though it *may* have had some validity in the pre-Trump era, it only sounds like you’re Tokyo Rose-ing yourself!

  2. Deliberately included confidential or classified material in democrat memo so that any redactions before release will be labeled as censorship. Louis Gomer discussing on Fox Business.

  3. Yesterday, Erick Erickson thought he had a big mic drop when he asked why all 12 Republicans who voted to release the FISA memo, had also voted to renew the FISA surveillance program. All he ended up doing was looking stupid and petty in his attempt to distract from actual crimes with a non sequitur. I can’t wait for the day he gets his Doctor of Divinity degree and goes off to preach to his choir somewhere else.

  4. In my admittedly pessimistic view, the saddest point to all of this so far (and with what no doubt is to come) is this sorry fact: in all likelihood, NOT ONE PERSON involved will face a jail term as a result of the multitude of crimes that are coming to light.
    Just political bread and circuses…

  5. There are only two types of government.

    One where the government controls the people.

    The other where people control the government.

    Democrats advocate for the former.

  6. I’m not doubting all of the mountains of evidence that are piling up, CofD. I just have seen the way the government, justice and courts system works in the the US (and UK, etc for that matter). None of these slimey scumbags seem the least bit worried about being brought to justice or doing time. History shows them that they have little to fear in that regard. I am crushed spiritually by this, and am sorry for all humanity because of it.

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