The List of Reasons Conservatives Think ESPN Is Biased – IOTW Report

The List of Reasons Conservatives Think ESPN Is Biased

Daily Signal- There is a whole host of reasons conservatives have come to believe that ESPN has a left-leaning bias.

First, there was the network’s decision in 2015 to give the Arthur Ashe Courage Award to former Olympian-turned-reality TV star Bruce—now Caitlyn—Jenner.

Apparently, Jenner’s decision to publicly share his transgender journey, many years after his sports career was over, was more courageous than that of 19-year-old college basketball player Lauren Hill, who publicly lived out her battle against brain cancer on the court from 2013 to 2015, raising awareness and over $1.5 million for research before succumbing to the disease in April of that year.

Then there was the decision by the network to pull a golf tournament from one of then-candidate Donald Trump’s golf courses because it didn’t like some of his comments, but apparently had no problem allowing its ESPNW network to give voice and coverage to the Women’s March on Washington where one speaker, Madonna, said she wanted to blow up the White House. And naturally, the same network was nowhere to be found covering the March for Life.

The rest is here

9 Comments on The List of Reasons Conservatives Think ESPN Is Biased

  1. People are sick of everything having to be political, and I mean everything. Sports is a vehicle to take a break from all the bullshit. If ESPN just stuck to sports while leaving the political crap behind, they would get their viewers back.

    When Keith Olberman just reported sports, he was fantastic. Seriously. He soiled himself now, however. He is in my top 4 of punchable faces, right behind Satan.

  2. Been with Disney for over 2 decades. The company is going full SJW not only with their Studio and Cable / Network offerings but internal as well.
    You can see it in their hiring practices and policies: We’re celebrating LGBTQWERTY month at the moment with workshops, events and even queer employee profiles on the internal website.
    I am certain the Disney company as a whole will suffer the same fate as ESPN without new leadership (to include Marvel and Lucasfilm). I hope I’m wrong, my pension depends on it, but watch the stock price over the next few years. It has already started going down.

  3. ESPN is the main reason hubby and I turned off cable June 1st. We’re saving $80 a month and I want to say I had a teeny part in driving them out of biz.

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