The Lizzo Problem – IOTW Report

The Lizzo Problem

Glorifying Obesity And Increasing Health Risks.

Parker Beauregard-

Author’s note: The issue of lionizing obesity is a problem in and of itself, but in light of entire countries having recently mandated additional insurance costs for unvaccinated individuals, it is even more incensing. If the unvaccinated are leading to more crowded hospitals and more healthcare expenses, then the statistics on obesity-related costs should provoke even more outrage. Where is their surcharge? Where is the alleged concern for health outcomes? Once more, both common sense and The Science™ are failing us.

Adopting phrases like “don’t fat shame” and focusing on “body positivity” leads to known and quantifiable health risks. So why do we do it?

As with a larger awareness of the pharmaceutical overlords and our collective ruling class in general, Covid has really exposed some of the worst characteristics of modern society and given us a chance to start over. From the worst times, then, we had the best chance to wipe the slate clean, with a focus on proper diet, exercise, and supplementation. When we talk about reimagining society, what better way than to start with reimagining a healthy individual? 

Heck, even outlets like CNN and the CDC are having to acknowledge some basic truths now: Overweight people are more likely to suffer adverse reactions to the virus. It’s two years too late, but at least it’s a start, and of course it only adds to the extensive literature that unhealthiness, particularly when there is added weight, is terrible across the board. read more

31 Comments on The Lizzo Problem

  1. Their whole generation is fucked.
    I was at the gym and ALL the machines that work the glutes were filled with women.
    That’s the only body part they are concerned with.
    They actually WANT A GIANT ASS!
    Used to be not a single woman would be caught dead at the Squat Rack.
    Gyms used to be 50-1 men/women ratio.
    Not complaining about more women, just that they sit on machines on their goddamn phones.

    One girl had a bubble butt and no hamstrings, quadriceps or calves.
    I was amazed!
    How do you spot grow an ass and not develop your legs indirectly?
    They all wear spandex stretched to the hilt over those asses.
    Black, white women alike.

    I am so glad I grew up in the era I did.

  2. The other thing that baffles me is that we as a society have been talking about health and healthy food for decades, yet all you see is advertisement after advertisement for snacks and one fast food grease pot after another!

  3. “lionizing obesity”…lol shouldn’t that be “walrusizing obesity” or something? Or leave the poor animals out of it and call it what it is: fetishizing obesity.

  4. When TSHTF there’s going to be a whole lotta folks gone in the first wave. Gym muscles are all well & good(and I’m there myself 4-5x/week) but busting your ass growing your own food and raising meat will get you a bit of an advantage.

  5. Crazy – especially the gym stuff. Women I find most attractive are athletic, toned, with muscle and build that shows they are capable of doing activities.
    Lizzo may be doing society a favor by overdoing it, making people realize the ramifications for themselves of being obese and out of shape. Or not.

  6. It’s all part of the thousand cuts: up is down, men can bear children, women can do everything that men can do – only better, left is right, right is wrong, chanting slogans and parrotting bullshit proves you’re smart, God is Dead and replaced by the Government, the Government is beneficent, The Supremes are wise, the talking-head maggots of the media are sincere and knowledgeable, Science is settled, Globalism under the dictatorship of some $Billionaire is preferable to a Republic, Healthcare should be in the hands of petty bureaucrats who have no expertise at anything other than pretending to work while fucking off, izlam is the religion of peace, humongously obese fat slobs are happy and healthy, teachers teach, preachers preach, and the Pedophile Usurper Joey Biden is in full control of this country and his faculties.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. LBS

    1980’s Beer commercials Baby!
    Slim, Hot Women with long hair, bikini’s & Heels.

    and the Clydesdale were pulling wagon where they belonged.

  8. lol Beachmom…” Let’s make space for everyone to feel welcome.”

    I don’t know about your DMV, but about one out of ten chairs at mine is halfway to a bench.

  9. …one of the most difficult patient extracations I ever had to do wasn’t from a car, it was from a house.

    We got called to a house for a guy who’d, as they say, “Fallen and can’t get up”, without any real information beyond that. We beat the Blue Canaries on that particular occasion, so I got to be first to go down in the basement of this little house where I found a guy who;

    1) Tipped the Toledos ~450 Lbs American, and was NOT slightly built with it.
    2) Was diabetic as a result.
    3) Was blind as a result of his poorly managed diabetes.
    4) Was in a lot of pain from various broken things, ribs, collarbones, etc., but we couldn’t tell about his extremities because of diabetic neuropathy.
    5) Was EXTREMELY drunk.
    6) Wifey said he also had sickle cell issues, although this wasn’t currently his apparent problem, it WAS a consideration for additional anemia and unexpected clotting.

    This we found at the landing (fancy word for “Bare Concrete Floor”) at the base of a surprisingly narrow staircase, so narrow that I’m not sure how he fell all the way down instead of getting stuck at the beginning (his wife, obviously fit to be tied, may have shoved him down there with a plunger, I’ll never know), and there were NO OTHER EXITS FROM THE BASEMENT.

    He has also wet himself and bled some too, but neither was clinically significant, just the first one made it a bit more disgusting to cut his trousers off.

    …so to recap;

    1) BIG dude. Not gonna buck him up the steps just between the two of us, and normal adjuncts like Stair Chairs…ain’t gonna cut it.
    2) Narrow, steep, Civil War staircase. If you’ve ever been in a Civil War house, you’ll know what I mean. Not customer friendly.
    3) Lots of orthopedic damage. Have to suspect SERIOUSLY grave stuff,like neck and back and hip injuries, so him helping himself is out of the question.
    4) Between the alcohol and the pain, he’s mostly out of his mind and can’t assist in his own care anyway.
    5) This guy’s so jacked up he could arrest, and shoving all that meat down enough to even figure out where his sternum WAS, was a daunting prospect at last.
    6) Can’t really dope him to take down the pain. Don’t know how much alcohol, what other pleasures he may have had, and the whale-sized dose of morphine (which was OK to use at the time) would probably have killed him, taking us back to CPR on a lot of chest, which needed to be avoided to the greatest extent possible.

    The canaries finally showed up around about now, possibly attracted to the alternating singing and screaming, but while I appreciated the added man-muscle, it wasn’t enough. We had to call out the rescue truck we normally use for car accidents mostly as a manpower unit, but also because it had a rescue basket on it, of the sort you might normally see in a show about rescuing a guy from a snowy mountain and hoisting him up to a helicopter, but not gonna be used for anything so lofty today.

    Also, it had a LOT of interesting tools on it, not just the Jaws of Life but things like K-Saws, hydraulic rams, air bags, shovels, rope, pulleys, etc., and given that we might have to cut him out of his HOUSE, I kinda wanted those close by.

    Long story short, with the aid of guys at the top, guys at the bottom, a hastily rigged block and tackle, a rude removal of a banister and part of a corner of the doorway, patching and splinting the more obvious things, a dose of Valium authorized by Medical Control (yep, the hospital needs to know THIS is on the way, not the elephant-sized dose I was expecting, but still a bit more than normal but probably just homeopathic in HIS case), strapping him to a backboard in C-collar and head chocks tightly, strapping THAT to the rescue basket tightly, having to TILT him to get him up the passageway (hence the tight straps), we finally managed to get him out of the basement and out to the unit, which we didn’t bother to take the cot out of because there was NO WAY it would have rolled with all that on it and it was quicker to use the manpower anyway.

    He actually handled it pretty well, kind of spaced out but kept abruptly singing through his mask enough to let us know he was still alive, so we had a mostly uneventful, if tuneful, trip to the hospital with the rescue unit in tow so we could use the manpower to offload our charge instead of the single security guard who was probably in the john and the collection of young and skinny nurses of both sexes they had then, with of course the ER doc looking on in concern but not about to lift a finger for grunt work We put him on an outsized hospital cot and unstrapped at Doc’s orders, and beat feet just as soon as practicable as there was going to be a LOT of recovery time for this one to get everyone back into service.

    This couldn’t have been pleasant for him. It certainly wasn’t pleasant for his wife. It DEFINITELY wasn’t pleasant for US.

    …and if you go back, back to the beginning, back before Items 2-5, you’ll see that 2) through 4) were very likely COMPLETELY avoidable, had he avoided 1); further, 5) would have been less likely to happen without 1) as his quality of life would have been better, and it would ALSO have made 6) more easily manageable.

    …I could get into other sequale of the value of avoiding being a tub to the greatest extent possible, from other perspectives I have such as when I was working on cars I had to drive in with broken-down driver’s seats and uneven spring height and front end part wear due to a constant left-side loading it wasn’t designed for, or alternately mystery alignment problems that could only be resolved by looking at couples when possible (I had a car with a complaint of an intermittent pull to the right that I could not feel, but when I went to the waiting room to discuss with little dude and saw that he had a LOT of…wife, I asked him to come out to the bay with me “to show you something about your car”, and asked out of her hearing if it happened ONLY when she was in it, which it did, mystery solved), but this is already too long and those are different stories for another time…

    …The point is that, while there are reasons it can be difficult to avoid, the older you get the more, being overweight is certainly nothing to lionize. It is NOT attractive, it is NOT healthy, it is NOT without increased difficulties in every aspect of your life, and no amount of Democrat narrative control and censorship will MAKE it so.

    Best thing to avoid a myriad of problems, not just COOF but heart, lung, diabetes, and massive orthopedic problems?


    You are doing NO ONE a favor by lying to them about it being OK.

    Because sooner or later, their cardiovascular system will DAMN WELL let them know it is NOT.

  10. LocoBlancoSaltine
    JANUARY 16, 2022 AT 3:45 PM
    “Text ACTUALLY written by SNS in the above ^^^

    “Long story short””

    …first, thank you for actually reading that far. Not many do, so it’s always fun to know someone at least skims the whole thing.

    Second, you’ve been here a long time, longer than me. I’m sure, then, you know I can be muuuuch longer, and probably WILL be, as long as our hosts tolerate it, that is, I just don’t fit in 140 characters and never will..

  11. SNS, I love your stories! I read most all of them (sometimes I’m running behind and just skim by comments looking for those dang spam bots to delete!). I always enjoy and learn something from your stories❣

  12. ” Gym muscles are all well & good(and I’m there myself 4-5x/week) but busting your ass growing your own food and raising meat will get you a bit of an advantage”

    Yea, that’s why farmers are always kicking those MMAs guys asses. My aching head,

  13. SNS, misery loves company….

    I had a death event Saturday night 1130pm. I knew it was going to be a problem having seen the patient several times last week during his dying process.

    Not obesity per se, but himself was a Big Dude. 6’7″, 250.

    Resided in an old 1950s apartment, small rooms and tight hallways. Very cluttered and filthy, plus 5 mixed breed chihuahua based ankle biters who were all utterly devoted to their hooman. Oh, and this fella’s daughter was there as well, laying in bed next to him, arms and legs wrapped around him.

    Tough to decide who screamed at us more about taking Papaw away with the nice mortuary people. Remove one snarling dog, another one jumps up in the vacated space. Daughter also snarling at us that “none of you mother****ers is gone touch muh daddy I’ll whup y’alls mother****ing asses”.

    We finally get him bathed and dressed, and have to carry him out of his room in the comforter as a sling. Daughter screaming every breath “don’t you drop him or I’ll whup every one of y’alls mother****ing asses” like an air raid siren. Continues until the gurney is in the back of the hearse. Neighbors all around for the show.

    For the record, daughter is about 6’2″, in excess of 300 lbs, ass like a Volkswagen. She smoked an entire pack in 2 hours that I was present (my lungs and throat are still raw). I desperately wanted to tell her if I kicked her knee in, no orthopedic surgeon could reassemble it, the surgical site would never heal for all the smoking she did, and she would never be able to make it through rehab.

    But I’m a professional.


  14. Hoo Hoo Nay Nay
    JANUARY 17, 2022 AT 7:06 AM

    I salute you for being able to deal with that with not just professionalisn, but with patience and sensitivity too. Grief counseling is an arrow I do not have in my quiver, my business being with the living and not the dead, so the best I can do is nervous hand-holding of the recently bereaved while mostly keeping my mouth shut except for learned, empty platitudes on those rare occasions that we waited with family for the coroner and/or funeral home to show up.

    He was alive.

    Now he’s not.

    What is there to say?

    “He’s in a better place”? I don’t know that. Maybe he’s in hell. Maybe he’s in New Jersey (same thing). I don’t know him, sinner or saint, so I’m gonna make assumptions?

    “He’s not in pain any more”.
    Better, certainly true enough about his physical body especially if the disease was long and painful, but again, maybe he’s spiritually having ptichforks rammed up his ass in hell right now, again I have no way of knowing.

    In YOUR place I would be hopelessly tempted to say EXTREMELY snarky things, too, like “At least he doesn’t have to hear you complain any more”, like that. Not really fair, sounds like she loved him and he probably loved her, but grieving people can be dicks, and dicks inspire a dick response.

    And I can intellectually understand it well enough. Greiving people ARE dicks, its a coping skill especially for people with few coping skills, and I don’t need to tell you that anger can be a normal, response to grief, but that certainly doesn’t make it more pleasant to deal with.

    One time I DIDN’T see it, it was worrisome. Guy died of cancer he’d had a long time and they knew it was coming, but it was pre-hospice days so his lomg time wife called the ambulance because she didn’t know what else to do. He died stapped to a bucket toilet in the living room because his elderly wife just couldn’t do anything more arduous, she wasn’t in great shape either. That’s not what muni ambulances do (most of the time) so we got hold of the coroner and because she was kinda upset, stayed with her till they showed. She didn’t get mad, didn’t curse God or man, didn’t cry hard or anything, but she coulda sighed the house down and just seemed so…lost and looked so pale and had so much trouble responding to anything like external communication was just too much effort, that we could tell she wasn’t OK, but she didn’t to talk or for us to do more than sit with her.

    We left, but we knew we’d be back for her.

    Actually, the day shift crew was. She saw her husband on his way, then went down herself.

    I didn’t have words then. I don’t have words now. God bless you for your professionalism, it can’t be easy especially as much as you do it. That patience and decency in the face of tragedy is truly a gift, and I’m glad people like you have it.

    God bless,

  15. SNS

    Thank you, He does bless me. Sometimes it can be mistaken for a right solid smote but there’s usually lessons and learnings within which eventually become the blessings. Those are also what keep me rock solid in this strange strange specialty….


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