The Lone Ranger – Troubled Waters – IOTW Report

The Lone Ranger – Troubled Waters

A young rancher is being driven off his land.  The Lone Ranger and Tonto to the rescue!

15 Comments on The Lone Ranger – Troubled Waters

  1. The Lone Ranger and Tonto were riding across the prairie.

    Suddenly Tonto stopped, got down from his horse, and put his ear to the ground. After a few seconds he looked up at the Lone Ranger and said, “Many buffalo come here.”

    The Lone Ranger replied, “Tonto, that’s incredible! How do you know this?”

    Tonto frowned and said, “Ear all sticky now.”

  2. Thanks, MJ. I love occasional trips back to my childhood. I was three when this episode came out; might have seen it in a movie theater along with the Sat. AM cartoon show.

  3. 2 episodes of “The Lone Ranger” every night on fetv.
    Right after “The Roy Rogers Show” and right before “Perry Mason.”

    This isn’t a plug – just info.
    (“Tim” received no compensation for this comment)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Tonto puts ear to ground, listens for a moment, then says “Many Apaches come from the south, many more from the north.”
    LR: “What! We’re surrounded by savages – what’ll we do?”
    What you mean ‘We”, white man?”

  5. And liberals use this exact same script today to run the Hammonds and Bundys off their land.
    Scooby-Doo followed the same recipe.
    That is why I say when someone is being driven off their land (like the San Joaquin valley with the delta smelt or Klamath Falls with the sucker fish) they are being Screwby-Doo’d.


    1. They speed up the film to make it look like he is riding faster.
    2. He no Indian, he Mexican.
    3. He gives his horse water, gives Mexican none.
    4. Horse say, “Firing the gun. That’s right in my f***ing ear!”
    5. Woman is PRETTY snotty for a loner about to be robbed……or worse.
    6. 5:05. Mexican grabs HOT BARREL of gun with bare hands.
    7. 5:53. They drink tea together, still wears mask, and why the hell are you drinking tea! I thought the water was poisoned! –unless he brewed tea from his own urine.

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