The Lovely Lady That Gave Trump the Finger and Lost Her Job is … of course… Suing – IOTW Report

The Lovely Lady That Gave Trump the Finger and Lost Her Job is … of course… Suing


Briskman was cycling last October when Trump, departing his golf club in Sterling, northern Virginia, passed her in his motorcade. She raised the middle finger of her left hand. “This is pretty much the only thing I had to express my opinion,” she later explained to the Guardian.


28 Comments on The Lovely Lady That Gave Trump the Finger and Lost Her Job is … of course… Suing

  1. “This is pretty much the only thing I had to express my opinion,”

    Actually no. You had you’re vote. And apparently you lost. Try and grow up and do the honorable thing. Conservatives don’t act like this.

  2. ” but it should never limit your ability to criticize that government in your private time.”

    The government didn’t fire you. Your boss did.

    Idiot. A private company is trying to make a business deal with the US government and one of their employees flips off the head of the government her employer is trying to strike a deal with, and she can’t figure out why she got fired.

    She was on private time, but did it publicly and apparently wanted the public to see what she did, too. She knew that there were many cameras around the president when she did it.

    I would say the same thing if it were 0bama’s ass in that limo, or the CEO of a company your boss is trying to merge with. You don’t screw with your employer’s business like that and expect to keep your job.

  3. I don’t know Brad, if Obama would drive by me I would flip him off, moon him, grab my nut sack and tell him to kiss my homesick ass. Good thing I’m self employed.

  4. joe6pak

    Jeez I’m having a hard time remembering what the date was of this protest, but at the time I had 49 employees and one Mex kid I really liked. And all of a sudden it was national Beaner Day and at lunch time he’s protesting in the street with some dumb ass sign directly in front of my building. He got two verbals and a written in 72 hours and was gone. All legal. Enjoy bitch.

  5. Brad, it’s hard to imagine what some people think is a good idea. I bet that dumb kid had a good future working for you. That is what you get when assimilation into the American culture is resisted and is not the goal. Idiots!

  6. Well, isn’t it special that she had no objections to the policy until after she got the sack.

    1. She was free to quit in protest of the policy before you got called on it. But did she? Nope.

    2. Would be interesting to know if she supports hate speech laws, “safe spaces” or the shutting down of options she doesn’t like.

  7. She could have anonymously flipped him off to live up to her “principles” but she had to virtue signal to the world to proudly show what she did but she can’t handle the heat.

  8. Wait, so her company was seeking a contract with the white house, she flips off the president, and then blames the president for her getting fired?

    Real sharp, I feel terrible for her two children having a dense politically stunted moron for a mama.

  9. Looks like her inner snowflake has taken over with a monumental case of the stupids.

    If she got fired and has 2 snowflakes in training with no job how is it that she has the money to hire an ambulance chaser in a no-win lawsuit that will likely stretch into years if not decades?

    This scrunt and the countless others like her is why I advocate for the cleansing to happen ASAP.

  10. From above:”Working for a company that does business with the federal government should provide you with greater opportunities,…”

    What the hell does this mean? A company that DOESN’T do business with the government provides lesser opportunities?

  11. if I had a picture taken of me flipping off obama I would have broadcast it too.

    but then I know I can always get a job somewhere else if my employer didn’t like it.

    suing her previous employer is not going to make her getting another job any harder either.

    human nature, it’s what most progressives don’t know or think about.

  12. 6 months = trial period, marketing director, if you had people working under you they would be useless if the message was not sent. Senior director did he have his bicycling tail blocking half the road.

  13. On the way out of Key Largo last week via a channel to the Atlantic, there was a home at the mouth with a huge Trump sign. I spent the afternoon snorkeling with a group of people. Some of which you could see the disappointment on their faces as I strutted about the boat wearing my Russian Bot t-shirt.

    As we reentered the canal I watched as one goof flipped the bird at the Trump sign. I thought at the time, feel better? I also couldn’t help, who was he doing it for. I just happened to see him do it, it wasn’t as if I was paying attention to him intently waiting to see what his message was to an inanimate sign.

    Whatever the case, I too flip off Hillary Clinton bumper stickers. However, I get the goof driver’s attention by honking, then flip them off.

  14. Bad_Brad – I was working in LA during one of those “day without a Mexican” protests. It was so lame. For them. Because traffic was moving right along, the DMV had short lines, etc. LOL.
    Anyway, one of the people that worked in the warehouse section at my job told his manager that he had to “be with his people”. And was going to participate in the protest.
    Manager said, “But you didn’t ask for the time off.”
    The employee shrugged and the next day, he was out running around on the freeways with Mexican flags.
    Day after that, he comes into work and there’s a check waiting for him with a pink slip. He was surprised. “I’m fired?”
    Manager said, “Yeah, now you can go be with your people all the time.”

  15. “She should be able to sue because private companies do not have the right to impose their political views and deny their employees’ First Amendment rights.

    YouTube and Facebook however are not bound by the first amendment and can censor whomever they want because private companies are not bound by the First Amendment.”

    I guess that makes sense if you are a leftist.

  16. You should be able to express your opinion and not lose your livelihood. I agree, but then what is up with all the boycotts they left is pushing for. You know you can explain these things to them but you cannot understand these things for them. Hypocrisy lives on another day.

  17. I know I should shut up, but is there any room in her belief system for all the conservatives that have been denigrated and run out of major left leaning businesses such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon. I see she forgot to include them in her screed.


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