The Magician Who Got Shot on Stage – IOTW Report

The Magician Who Got Shot on Stage

Amusing Planet: One of the most dangerous and daring illusions that a magician can attempt is the famed bullet catch trick. There are several variation to the trick, but it usually goes like this—the magician produces an old-fashioned muzzle-loading gun and proceeds to load it with gunpowder. He drops a bullet into the barrel and uses a ramrod to push the bullet up against the gunpowder. He then hands the gun to an assistant (or a member of the audience) and invites him to shoot at the magician. The assistant complies. But instead of dropping down dead, the magician apparently catches the bullet with his hand, or dramatically produce it from between his teeth.

As with anything involving guns, the illusion is extremely dangerous because it has the potential to go terribly wrong. Many magicians have lost their lives attempting to catch the bullet. One of the best documented instance of a performer being killed while performing the gun trick is Chung Ling Soo, who was shot dead when the firearm malfunctioned in London in 1918. MORE. h/t

11 Comments on The Magician Who Got Shot on Stage

  1. What an interesting bit of magical history. Good thing Alec Baldwin wasn’t alive back then and working for this make believe Chinaman. He wouldn’t have had such a long, successful career.

  2. Modern version:

    Hey Rocky, I’m locked in my Basement, my rallies are non-existent, while my opponent has 10’s of thousands attend his rallies.
    Watch me pull the 2020 election out of my ass.


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