The Man Who Sneaked Into Auschwitz Then Back Out Again – IOTW Report

The Man Who Sneaked Into Auschwitz Then Back Out Again


The exploits of Witold Pilecki in exposing the evils of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz reads like fiction, but the man existed and what he accomplished during the Second World War is the stuff of legend.





13 Comments on The Man Who Sneaked Into Auschwitz Then Back Out Again

  1. Once again a sobering reminder of what can happen when we let down our guard, because when we do, it CAN and WILL happen again. Freedom must be protected! Our kids are not taught this is schools today with the purported excuse of “it would be too harsh for the poor, little snowflakes”, but what it really amounts to is a soft form of censorship (the softer side of Communism known as Common Core). The harsh realities of WWII with both the Germans and the Japanese need to be taught (8th grade and up) and held up next to the harsh realities of iSlam and what Man’s hatred of Man is truly capable of!

  2. Fukkin Polacks caught Hell, didn’t they?
    Invaded by Germany AND the Soviet Union (that was the substance of the Molotov-von Ribbentrop Agreement) they were then betrayed by England, France, and the United States when sold out to Stalin.
    All their bravery (and it was legion) was tainted by their blatant antisemitism.
    A tragedy of geography.

    And for all the efforts and sacrifices of Pilecki, Auschwitz stayed open until Obola’s uncle liberated it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. WOW! Obviously Mr. Pilecki is a true Saint for laying his life down like this for his country against the Nazis in World War 2 and the Commies afterwards. And did anyone else notice the sign from the picture of a gas chamber that said Gift gas, I don’t know what that was and if it was someone who had a very grotesque and morbid sense of humor to describe it as such. And there are still those who would deny that the Holocaust never happened, I don’t think so given all the damning evidence to the contrary of its evil existence. May God bless the Poles and the other Eastern Europeans because they may be the only ones who have the balls to stand up and fight radical Islam and not let it infect them like the rest of Europe and this country as well.

  4. God bless Poland and her brave leaders:
    “As terrorist attacks continue to maim and kill across Europe, Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo called on fellow European politicians to “rise from your knees and from your lethargy” or risk “crying over your children every day”.

  5. You may have heard that snuck as the past tense of sneak is improper English, but does this designation hold water?

    Like leaked as the past tense of leak, sneaked was the original past tense and past participle for sneak, which means “to move in a stealthy or furtive manner.” Used as early as the late 1800s, snuck has become the standard variant past tense and past participle of the verb sneak. Though some grammarians, particularly in Britain, still prefer sneaked, snuck has achieved widespread acceptance and usage in edited writing, including fiction and journalism.

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