The “Manufactured Crisis” Churning Out Illegals On A Massive Scale – IOTW Report

The “Manufactured Crisis” Churning Out Illegals On A Massive Scale

According to the U.S. Border Patrol, apprehensions are at all time highs. We’ve had as many families cross the border in the first five months of fiscal year 2019 (the fiscal year started last October) than in all of last year. Groups of 100 or more illegal migrants went from 13 all of last year to 70 so far this year. More

Meanwhile, the House voted to oppose the President’s border emergency declaration and the Senate is poised to do the same.

9 Comments on The “Manufactured Crisis” Churning Out Illegals On A Massive Scale

  1. The hordes from Central America are coming. This was predicted by numerous people over 40 years ago. Eventually, South Americans will attempt to come en masse, also.

    Untold millions have already come. Tens of millions more will come. In the end, the U.S. will be a third-world country.

  2. @Left Coast Dan March 6, 2019 at 7:47 pm

    > I understand the Dems doing this, they care about nothing but power. But GOP?

    It’s almost like both wrastlers are paid to put on a show. Together. Almost.

  3. We need to demand from the open borders crowd how many migrants will be enough.

    Another 20 million? And if that many then maybe another 200 million? Or more?

    I’d really like to hear a specific and coherent answer from them about it, but I don’t expect to get one.

    For that matter, I don’t expect the question to be asked.

  4. There’s blood on the hands of everyone who votes against securing our borders. May karma allow their families to be the victims of the rapists, murderers, drug thugs, and drunk drivers.

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