The Masks Speak – IOTW Report

The Masks Speak


20 Comments on The Masks Speak

  1. Why ain’t somebody inventing an isolation helmet?
    Light, with retractable visors with heads up displays from phone, talk to text with kick ass sound, solar assisted battery AC.
    Get the soundproof model and get a choice of interaction voices. Celebrity voices extra.

  2. Mask mania is everywhere. If the danger from COVID is high enough for you to wear a mask, then it’s too high to be in that location, isn’t it? And considering the strains of Influenza virus that have an equal mortality rate, particularly among the elderly and immunocompromised, you will need to wear a mask out of fear for the rest of your life.

    But you WEREN’T wearing a mask before COVID, were you? And you’re here. Think about it and get back to me. I’m not visiting your medical office, store or place of business if masks are required. And I’m not wearing them in public, either.

  3. My work (non-medical) forces me and my entire team to wear the face diapers on a daily basis. Don’t wear it? Find a new job.

    Just like 9/11 changed the paradigm of Liberty in our country, WuFlu is the proverbial wet dream all liberals, socialists, anarchists and other bottom dwellers of society have been waiting (ie planning) for.

  4. I can tolerate a mask or respirator when I’m working on something that requires one but, I tell ya, I can’t think when I’ve got one on just walking around. It’s too distracting.

    Why are people wearing them inside their own cars? That seems pretty ridiculous to me.

  5. Want to wear a mask. Fine.

    Don’t want to wear one? Cool.

    Gonna mask shame me for not wearing one? FUCK. YOU.

    The only places of business I’d wear one in are music stores, theme parks, and at concerts of my favorite bands. I was at a record shop yesterday and I had to wear a mask. They supplied it. I thought I was going to pass out but I FRICKEN scored. But when I walked out in to the fresh air my forehead was all sweaty and I gasped for air. I get claustrophobic with those things on. But I’d wear a red feathered boa and pasties in there if they required it. I love that place!

  6. I have 5 facilities that I visit now. One skilled nursing facility, 4 assisted living facilities. Put on the mask for the screening process, walk inside and everyone has their mask under their chin, not on their face.

    No one is buying this shit where I’m at. Widespread COVID testing has shown it’s not here.


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