The Media is So Fair and Balanced – IOTW Report

The Media is So Fair and Balanced

The media has no agenda. You can tell by the way Ivanka is treated compared to Chelsea. It’s totally fair.


21 Comments on The Media is So Fair and Balanced

  1. Maybe because when they talk to Ivanka they really know they are talking to a lady. When they are talking to Charles they just figure they’re talking to one of the guys.

  2. Fair and balanced used to mean something. I turned off network news in the late 80’s because they insulted my conservative leanings with every broadcast. Then fox came along. I watched them but began to suspect them 5 years back, and turned them off completely 3 years ago. Piss on ’em. Dont miss them at all. DRudge, BB, IOTW, and a few others are all i need.

  3. They are terrified.
    The fact that they are THE socialist propaganda machine is no longer in doubt – even to the dumbest motherfucker on Earth.
    The 47% simply don’t care.
    And another 25% or so can’t fathom how serious the problem is: “Well, yeah, it’s slanted, but …”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Cabbage Patch Chelsea’s parents best friend (Gov Terry Mcauliffe) is restoring voting rights (and jury duty rights) to violent sex offenders here in Virginia by the hundreds, but Trump hates women or something.

  5. That’s why we call them the LSM, lame stream media. the MSM, mean streak media, the KNM, Know nothing media, the DCM, the democrat controlled media, the LWM, left wing media. I could go on and on. Few people with a smidgen of a brain believe them. Unfortunately people with less than a smidgen, about 49.50 percent, pay attention to them.

  6. Maybe every time Iva is questioned about her dad she should say- “Well unlike Chelsea’s father…” or “Unlike Chelsea’s mother…”
    Or maybe throw in a few, “Your network keeps asking me the same question over and over. Do you not watch your own show/ read your own paper?”

    Shit, I couldn’t be in the public eye. I would terrorize the press every chance I got. lol

  7. @Moetom:

    How about NPR–Nancy Pelosi Radio?

    @eternal cracker p:

    That’s a stock photo. She looks even worse now that she’s in her eighth month of pregnancy–fat, bloated, and middle-aged (she’s only 36). She also has no clue how to dress during pregnancy. Everything she wears looks like it came from Omar the Tentmaker.

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