The Media Is Suddenly a Vacation Watchdog – IOTW Report

The Media Is Suddenly a Vacation Watchdog

PolitiHO – Trump’s Mar-a-Lago getaway could cost taxpayers more than $3 million.

This is from the politiHO article-

President Donald Trump’s trip to his luxury resort in Mar-a-Lago this weekend could saddle taxpayers with a bill upward of $3 million and is already drawing the type of scrutiny Trump and other Republicans regularly heaped upon former President Barack Obama.

They admit the scrutiny was only from Trump and other republicans.

Trump’s multimillion-dollar trip, which comes just two weeks into his presidency, shows that Trump is not shy about engaging in the same type of jet-setting that he and other Republicans heavily criticized Obama for throughout his presidency.

The fact that the left never cared at all about Obama’s “jet-setting” and now jump on Trump for one trip, not at all knowing what the future will bring, qualifies this as FAKE NEWS.

It’s like they laid in wait with this story for the first trip Trump would make.

I wish them all a painful death.

ht/ lead salad


15 Comments on The Media Is Suddenly a Vacation Watchdog

  1. Hey, all you Instant Internet Accountants… President Trump just saved you a billion dollars on a new Air Force One. Now go recalculate and tell me how much you owe President Trump for his vacation.

  2. We can rail against this type of fake news and yellow journalism all we want but this is going to be the state of the playing field for the next 4 years. The only way this will change is if some of the movers behind these websites (which create/publish the fake or misleading news which is then picked up unvetted by the majors) leave the field. A guy like George Soros (and his sons) have a huge impact by having a huge amount of cash, no compunction about spending it and no morality whatsoever. If they were to leave the field and the money stop flowing half the crap would stop overnight. I think the investigation into the election needs to open up an office just about him and his family.

  3. They’re right, you know. It could cost taxpayers $3 million.

    But WILL it?

    The trip could also cost taxpayers nothing, because Trump is rich enough to pay for it himself.

    Ah, the subtleties of the English language, weaponized and distributed by the MSM.

  4. The media is suddenly a whole lot of things they haven’t been for over eight years.

    My favorite thing they are now is a subject of scorn and derision from the administration that calls them out for what they are. A Leftist motivated political force.

  5. @ Mr. Ropy “I’m willing to bet a solid nickel that Mr. Trump is ten times as productive on vacation than lazy O ever was.”

    Trump is more productive asleep than O ever was on his best day.

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