“The media is the most powerful entity on earth… because they control the mind of the masses.” – Malcolm X – IOTW Report

“The media is the most powerful entity on earth… because they control the mind of the masses.” – Malcolm X

And, as history has taught us, that collective mind that is controlled is a very, very stupid one.

One only has to see how assholes bought up all the toilet paper during Covid, how they fought each other to the death over a Cabbage Patch doll at Christmas, how they scramble to the dance floor at a wedding to do the Chicken Dance, or sing Sweet Caroline at a ball game, to understand how easily manipulated the masses are. Who would do any of these things unless influenced by the collective?

Tramp Stamp – I rest my case.

Taki Mag-

The Art of Propaganda

Black Lives Matter and Antifa were created by a white intellectual elite, an elite whose origins derive not from the classical liberal and Judeo-Christian traditions of the American revolution, but from the atheist/libertine/totalitarian tenets of the French. 

The efficacy of the technique has been refined far beyond what Hitler could have possibly imagined. 

An ally of BLM posted a video of herself three months ago. The young lady (“I’m gonna stab you” to the next person with the “Caucasity” to say “all lives matter”) may well represent the majority attitude of our Ivy League—she is a Harvard grad—and of much of the left. How did this come to pass? Her intelligence is not small. It’s in the incessant propaganda, coming not only from academia and the schools, but from the mass media—especially television and film.


ht/ marco

6 Comments on “The media is the most powerful entity on earth… because they control the mind of the masses.” – Malcolm X

  1. Hitler and Goebbels didn’t have the modern media to spread their hateful propaganda. Obama, Clinton and Biden have the modern progressive media on their side. They are the Main Stream Dementiacrat Media. When they are finished Fundamentally Destroying this country, some of the MSDM will wonder how it happened, just like a very few innocent, naive Germans did in 1945. They were all innocent, naive victims of those nasty, lying Nazis.

  2. “…how they fought each other to the death over a Cabbage Patch doll at Christmas…”

    ..that ain’t no lie…I was working at a Sears Auto Center back when Sears, malls, and Cabbage Patch dolls were a “thing”, and during Christmas no one came to the auto center so we had some leisure to watch the parade go by. We worked in a large outbuilding that was catter corner to a major intersection into the mall, and even though it was controlled by traffic lights people were too aggressive to pay much attention to it, so this resulted in some pretty decent wrecks to which I had a nice, warm, glassed-in ringside seat because of where the building was. Mostly traffic was too slow for any serious injuries, but the ensuing fights could rival Tyson v. Holyfield for sheer, ear-biting madness.

    This was kind of a feature in NORMAL Christmases, but when the Cabbage Patch dolls came out, it was anarchial insanity. Sears was a major player then so THEY got SOME dolls, but after you got through all the ones the employees hid for themselves even though they weren’t supposed to, there was only a couple of dozen of them left…which some damn fool chose to then advertise a sale for.

    …the gates of Hell were opened, the Kraken was released, and it was screaming housewives and sallow, hence henpecked husbands climbing asses to get through the aluminum stile doors (which they bent), ripping the winter coats from each other’s backs trying to throw each other back, legs were broken, children were swept aside, and folks were literally trampled to get to that table.

    All for THIS…


    …the police and fire departments came and started running shuttle services to the hospital and jail, the sale was shut down, and our Sears didn’t mention them again that season, just put them on the shelves in dribs and drabs without fanfare, so SOME folks ended up with a Christmas surprise.

    The accidents came to a halt at my entrance, though, because it became physically impossible for traffic to move, so it couldn’t really wreck, althogh a flying squad of cops had to come to keep it from coming to blows and clear the major thorofare that went by the mall and let the wounded warriors be hauled away.

    And the doll was nothing but some cloth and a slick marketing campaign, you were really buying a fake adoption certificate and a doll backstory for your kid.

    And the dolls were COMPLETELY inconsequential, and it was still a more-or-less civilized society.

    …now take that forwards 40 years, with 4 decades of Democrats devaluing life and fostering hatred, have the combatants be younger, more violent, and so self-hating and confused that they don’t even know what sex a penis signifies, and make it about something that DOES matter like a Presidency, and you’ll get an idea of the ride we’re in for this November…

    …arm up, and have a plan.

    …you’re gonna need it…


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