The Media Proclaim Themselves ‘Infrastructure’ – IOTW Report

The Media Proclaim Themselves ‘Infrastructure’

Inside Scoop Politics:

Long before the pandemic, the local news business had been in a tailspin. Newspapers across the country lost classified advertising revenue thanks to internet sites like Craigslist. Terrestrial radio stations lost their audience to iTunes — and then Spotify. Most commercial radio stations don’t offer news anymore. Most Americans under 35 think of newspapers and radio news as odd products their parents consume, like Spam and Velveeta.

As a college kid in Viroqua, Wisconsin, I covered local news in the summers for our local radio station and called in freelance articles on the city council or school board decisions to the LaCrosse Tribune. The matters discussed were probably uninteresting to most. I learned what a “property easement” was, and reported on the debate over how to dispose of old railroad ties. I didn’t find it scintillating.

The nagging question for journalism: Can you get anyone to read or click on decisions this “small”? In late 2018, 71% of Americans told the Pew Research Center they thought their local news media was doing well financially, even though only 14% said they had paid for local news in the past year.

Liberal journalists look at this problem with the usual liberal eyes. “The market has failed,” they proclaim, and the obvious answer is government intervention. In the 1960s, this logic of a lack of community service in broadcasting led to the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, and the creation of the PBS and NPR networks.
You can see exactly what liberals like about their “correction” to the “market failure.” more

11 Comments on The Media Proclaim Themselves ‘Infrastructure’

  1. No coincidence that their monument to themselves, the “Newseum” in DC, closed in 2019 due to lack of interest and is currently being dismantled by its new owner, Johns Hopkins University. Given the revolving doors for subsidized elites between government, media and academia, this is entirely expected. All three have become at best a drag on the producers of this country and at worst, a malign, destructive cancer eating away at our foundations.

  2. This leftist leaning media today have infrastructure in the same manner as Joseph Goebbels propagandist controlled media of the NAZI once were. The Democrats may have a less formal uniform dress code but the lexicon is all the same right on down to “Kill All Jews”. The more things change, the more they stay the same sometimes.

  3. MSM and Hollywood are complicit with the SWAMP, pushing the Socialist Agenda. Actors and Fake Journalist have to endorse their agenda or they don’t work. All top actor that make $20M per movie, either know or are willing to keep the secrets. Like De Niro’s Fuck Trump comment, only proves Trump was a threat to his perverted way of life.
    If they want to know why their failing, there’s 80 million people that don’t believe their bullshit anymore.
    There truly needs to be a reckoning.

  4. Hey everybody, look what I found when I looked up “Media Infrastructure”:
    Disinformation, hype, indoctrination, advertising, agitprop, brainwashing, doctrine, evangelism, hogwash, implantation, inculcation, newspeak, proselytism.
    Sound familiar?


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