The Media Suffers From Selective Backlash – IOTW Report

The Media Suffers From Selective Backlash

Muslims murder people in America and the leftist media worries about the backlash from nose-picking ‘muricans in Podunk USA who are gonna demonize the religion of peace.

A lone wolf shoots up a school and the leftist media leads the charge on demonizing peaceful Americans and attack their 2nd amendment rights before the last shot rings out.


AT- by Jody Patterson

Let us look at the reactions of the media, liberals, and progressives to mass shootings, whether perpetrated by Muslim terrorist or a deranged individual. Their immediate reaction is to backlash against the law-abiding gun owners and the NRA. They will condemn anyone that doesn’t want to see certain guns banned, large-capacity magazines banned, or even a complete ban on gun ownership. They pine for the day that 2nd Amendment rights are done away with and we become an unarmed society like the British and Australians.

The progressives and the media are perfectly ok with backlashing against the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens spelled out in the 2nd Amendment. Therefore, I believe they have earned the moniker “gunophobes.”

They are adamant that no American needs an AR-15 or high-capacity magazines, and that we need to have a background check for any gun or ammo purchase. Yet they abhor any immigration or refugee policy that mandates better vetting and background investigation of those coming from hostile nations. They only want U.S. citizens to endure onerous background checks for individual private sales in the free marketplace, which won’t affect criminals or terrorists in the least.

Even after a mass shooting that involves an Islamic terrorist (San Bernardino or Orlando), the media and liberals go after the NRA, the 2nd Amendment, gun owners, and the FBI instead of demanding that Muslim leaders quell and stop this radicalization.



11 Comments on The Media Suffers From Selective Backlash

  1. Nobody needs a high-capacity, 7th century desert moon-worshipping-death-cult, assault religion.

    Ban islam now. Think of the children.

    Bloomberg could start a group pushing common sense religious restriction laws.

  2. Nobody needs an AR15. Until they do.
    But nobody needs a whiny anti gun sniveler either. And never will.
    We’re even for now.
    When the time comes that the sniveler comes to us AR15 owners for protection it’ll be up to us whether we feel compassion. We will never go to the snivelers for anything. Because they render themselves useless. Probably haven’t even used a shovel.

    The stupid shall be punished.

  3. Thanks BFH for linking my article.
    Personally I have 2x AR’s and 1x AR in 6.5 Grendel with a Gibbz side charging upper.
    ChuckO, I like your comment on abortion and guns


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