The Meltdown Of The Left Has Just Begun – IOTW Report

The Meltdown Of The Left Has Just Begun

The early signs from the left of how they are going to deal with a Trump presidency and Republican control of Washington is not encouraging.  Showing signs of being unable to accept reality, most are attempting to redefine the world into terms they can more easily cope with, or worse, act out to try to change that reality.

The effect is to alienate the rest of the nation and to politically poison their brand and party for years as they struggle to come to terms.


They may never get over it.



24 Comments on The Meltdown Of The Left Has Just Begun

  1. Brad, I’m thinking riot batons and pepper spray
    showers are a good start.

    Then we can start thinking mean.

    Let’s see how the next election culling of the
    leftists works out for them.

  2. What a partisan hack! Everyone that didn’t vote for Hillary is proven, by their own hands, to be too stupid to follow instructions. That isn’t just racist, homophobic Drumpfkins. That includes little boy Bernie Bro misogynists that are terrified of any woman that doesn’t have a pause icon! Stompy tantrum little brats that voted for Stein or that other dude are also, obviously, too stupid to be allowed to vote. When they learn their place, we’ll be willing to allow them to get back to work doing the right thing. But don’t expect us to ever again make the mistake of listening to any of their burping.

  3. I was in agreement with everything the writer said until this, which pissed me off: “In addition to believing he is not fit for the office of the presidency, I have another problem with Trump: he is not a conservative, and thus his presidency will surely further the cause of big government. In some ways, for my purposes, it would have been better if Clinton won the presidency last year. She would have been just as liberal as Trump, if not more, but we could have counted on strong Republican opposition to counteract her liberal agenda. Under Trump, the GOP will likely go along with his domestic policy, which—although his cabinet may be able to prevent this—will likely not be very conservative at all. I say all of this to offer liberals this assurance: barring a conservative miracle from the Trump administration, I, too, will want Trump out of office in 2020, either to another GOP challenger or to a Democrat against which conservatives will more fully unite.”

  4. The left is everything they accuse us of being. Did we March, pillage, burn and protest when Obama systematically began to dismantle our Republic? Openly threaten to kill him and blow up the White House? No. But mark my words, we will see actual violence against Trump, because that is who the left is.

  5. Long before the inauguration, the far left signaled their intention to try and make the country ungovernable. Just like the French Communist almost brought down that government in the late 70’s, they will try to get Trump to use the Law in an authoritarian way in order tag him a dictator. Well funded, nothing that happens from this point forward will surprise me. I think it’s gonna be a long hot summer……

  6. The writer of the linked article, Daniel Payne, is one of the cuckiest of cuckservatives. I hated the cuckservative label when people started using it because it sounds goofy and childish. However, so-called conservatives like Payne made me realize that word was necessary to accurately describe them. This article is just an excuse to bash Trump once again.

    Do a web search for “Daniel Payne Trump” to read some of his older articles where he trashes Trump and urges readers to vote for Hillary. Or… just take a look at his photo – he’s a pencil neck geek who thinks that he is oh so much smarter than that big brute Trump. Payne is an intellectual lightweight and a pansy of a beta male.

  7. What this article is trying to say is that even lo-fo’s are…eventually…going to see the underlying stupidity of the lefts’ political stance, just by merely observing their behavior.

  8. The insurrection of the communist revolution is apparent in the current uproar over the election of Trump. The presidency of Obama was a part of the slow slide into Socialism and it was acceptable to the left and a renewal of that administration with Hillary would have been acceptable as a part of their master plan. The historical nature of this resistance is worth noting as this movement against a capitalistic society is rooted in the socialism movement that started long ago and it is being waged daily in the media, the streets and in the halls of Congress.

    We are at war with the forces that seek to destroy our nation and the home of freedom and entrepreneurial society. America was founded on the concept of a free society and really we were the first in the world to be conceived in such a manner. That makes us a target for every other political system in the world that seeks to control their populace. They, the socialists seek to destroy us not for justice or for any noble cause but simply because they want power, nothing else but pure political power.

    Regardless of whether Trump is a conservative or not, he is the antithesis of socialism. He is a complete reversal of the past 8 years. Empowering the people will weaken the power of the liberal left. This is what scares the bejesus out of the libtards and this is why they are protesting so much.

  9. Oh, will people PLEASE stop with their sanctimonious anti-trump schtick on the ‘right-leaning’ sites? I find myself agreeing with several comments above: dude’s an embarrassing ‘intellectual pansy’. One thing I have always maintained the leftards should get credit for is their ability to ally with their natural enemies within the party in order to bring the right down. I mean, CAIR at the ridiculous “women’s March”? This is only possible when you play the endgame as well as they do.

    Attention every single person who claims to be on the right: It doesn’t make you a person of “integrity” to continue to attack your own side, just because you didn’t support the guy in the first place and you think you’ll get some kind of reward in 2020 of being able to say “I told you so.” Keep it to yourself. We heard you the first time. We have it on record. And we don’t think like the leftist bunch who equate not attacking someone with support for their every position.
    This time eight years ago the other guys had kids singing songs in school for Dear Leader’s anointing as Messiah. We’re not asking you to join a cult like they would. We just want an eye on the war, not the battle. Which means you don’t lay mines on your own turf, idiot.

  10. The MSM bean counters had better wise up the talking heads and assignment editors. Continuing on the Messiah Obama and Fascist Trump memes will bankrupt them. There’s this new-fangled thing called the internet in everyone’s hands now.

  11. Glenda: Thank you for that analysis of our current situation. The epic failures of socialism and communism never seems to register with their foolish fellow travelers. If anyone wants to read a great book on Soviet efforts to infiltrate and control foreign attitudes and affairs after the Russian Revolution, I highly recommend “On A Field Of Red” by Anthony Cave Brown and Charles B. MacDonald. It exposes the methods and manner that the Soviet Union used the Comintern with the goal of fomenting unrest and triggering revolution in Germany, Britain, and America between the World Wars. Obviously, the Soviets were not successful in their goals, but it makes a fascinating story. Putin’s Russia is not acting much different from the Soviet Union as it seeks to destabilize Europe and America. Lenin and Stalin would have looked on with amazement and gratitude as Obama fulfilled many of their goals of weakening Democracy in the West. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton would have been awarded medals by the Comintern for their political efforts during the last election. Now it’s up to a new generation of Leftist to accomplish what the Communists could never achieve.

  12. You mean like this, Claude Balcz?

    “Donald Trump is not worthy of your vote. He is manifestly unfit to be the president of these United States; he is perhaps the least qualified, most unqualified candidate to ever secure a party’s nomination. Nothing that happens between now and Election Day can possibly change this. He has proven himself irredeemably incompetent for the presidency. You should not vote for him.”

  13. @Marco January 22, 2017 at 10:40 am

    “The epic failures of socialism and communism”

    Because they aren’t rolling 300 games every. damn. time. you call them epic failures? Send the DNC your contact info. They’re looking for a few good xen.

  14. anon: I don’t know what any educated person would call the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Eastern Bloc Countries, Cuba or Venezuela other than “epic failures.”

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