The Men Who Built America – IOTW Report

The Men Who Built America

Trigger warning for ignorant and envious Leftists. This series includes LOADS of “toxic masculinity”. You know the kind of masculinity that BUILT and then BAILED OUT America. – C. Steven Tucker

9 Comments on The Men Who Built America

  1. Future is female. In the future, 98% of employed Americans will be H.R. consultants, the other 2 percent will own yoga studios. There will be no more skill. Skill is the patriarchy and it will be eradicated. Future is female.

  2. I Don’t notice that there is a push for vocational education. Yes Men built the nation, but women and minorities were right there with them. Personally,I think there needs to be lots of trading for working on automation equipment since seems we’ll all be replaced to work on robots. the Economy is changing and we’ll all need better educations and skills training. Keep a stiff upper lip and keep on keep on! Pray for our children.

  3. POTUS Trump fits right in with the men of empire to the extent he has vision and guts.

    Today great wealth is made by pols and former pols who create nothing. What has Bill Clinton given the world? Obama? Kerry? Harry Reed? Nothing. Yet, they have things called “Foundations” — though foundations to what, no one really knows. Even the foundations of their Foundations are built using taxpayer funds.

  4. They were great men with a vision of what could be.
    If the left would take a real look at America and see the grandeur of what has been built and the innovation that is still taking place and acknowledge that, much of the strife would be gone that exists today.
    But they are the left and all they want to do is tear it down and rebuild it with what, I don’t know or want to see.
    I just pray that most Americans can see what is happening and the change for the better (more jobs) and support it.


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