I had to venture into down town Sacramento today for some diagnostic work and everyone’s wearing masks. It looks like a third world shit hole. Once inside the medical facility they had personnel questioning you about your travel history and recent contacts before you could proceed on to your appointment.
ooobla dee, ooobla da, life goes on braaaaaaaaaaaaaa
la la la la la, d’rat corruption goes on
thx fur, since i never knew how to take them off, at least now i know how to put them on
Was it an old ad slogan or just a saying?
“Cross your heart, hope not to die”
I haven’t looked for them myself, but I’ve heard an approved mask is getting hard to find. Now that I know a bra works just fine I guess I don’t have to look.
New or used?
I’ll either have to take up dating or shop in the women’s dept. On a serious note, if a person’s willing to go out in public with a bra on his face things must be pretty bad.
That thing is the tits, man.
“Forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown”
I wonder if it smells like Gwynneth Paltrow?
I can’t wait to get back into the ridges and hollows of east central WV and leave all this manic media booshid behind.
Four more months.
That’s not a miracle bra.
A miracle bra would be one that is comfortable for a woman to wear.
Same here,BB. Found myself wondering if it wasn’t a good idea in any event. The only time my daughter was ever sick was after a routine checkup at the pediatrician. It kinda makes sense the highest concentration of dangerous bugs would be a medical facility.
I think rubber boots would provide better protection against disease.
Huffing boob sweat.
^I know, who’d thunk, the thing I’ve paid good money for,,^
The HEPA bra!
He intends to motorboat the virus to death.
You’ve said a mouthful
Two for the price of one, such a deal.
Bad Brad _ Sacramento “looks like a third world shithole”?
I had to venture into down town Sacramento today for some diagnostic work and everyone’s wearing masks. It looks like a third world shit hole. Once inside the medical facility they had personnel questioning you about your travel history and recent contacts before you could proceed on to your appointment.
ooobla dee, ooobla da, life goes on braaaaaaaaaaaaaa
la la la la la, d’rat corruption goes on
thx fur, since i never knew how to take them off, at least now i know how to put them on
Was it an old ad slogan or just a saying?
“Cross your heart, hope not to die”
I haven’t looked for them myself, but I’ve heard an approved mask is getting hard to find. Now that I know a bra works just fine I guess I don’t have to look.
New or used?
I’ll either have to take up dating or shop in the women’s dept. On a serious note, if a person’s willing to go out in public with a bra on his face things must be pretty bad.
That thing is the tits, man.
“Forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown”
I wonder if it smells like Gwynneth Paltrow?
I can’t wait to get back into the ridges and hollows of east central WV and leave all this manic media booshid behind.
Four more months.
That’s not a miracle bra.
A miracle bra would be one that is comfortable for a woman to wear.
Same here,BB. Found myself wondering if it wasn’t a good idea in any event. The only time my daughter was ever sick was after a routine checkup at the pediatrician. It kinda makes sense the highest concentration of dangerous bugs would be a medical facility.
I think rubber boots would provide better protection against disease.
Huffing boob sweat.
^I know, who’d thunk, the thing I’ve paid good money for,,^
The HEPA bra!
He intends to motorboat the virus to death.
You’ve said a mouthful
Two for the price of one, such a deal.
Bad Brad _ Sacramento “looks like a third world shithole”?
Brother, it IS a Third World Shithole
Well that should nip it in the bud.
Now his wife has one sagging t1t.