The Miracle Safe for your cold hard cash – IOTW Report

The Miracle Safe for your cold hard cash

Need to hide something where no-one will ever find it? Put the odds in your favor with a simple jar of salad dressing.

36 Comments on The Miracle Safe for your cold hard cash

  1. I would keep cash in the vegetable drawer in the fridge in a ziplock bag. No one would look in there.
    But in reality I have a 2000 pound safe in the basement that came with the house.
    It is bolted to the floor. The house was built around it. It went in when the floor was poured.

  2. In the past 8 years I haven’t found any ‘extra’ money that could be stashed. Certainly not enough that would require a quart jar.

    I’m quite sure that’s Bush’s fault. /s

  3. That’s a lot of effort. It’s much easier to drop a few 1 ounce gold coins directly into the mayo. Gold won’t taint the mayo and the mayo won’t taint the gold. Worthless pieces of fiber are a hassle.

  4. Husband came up with best idea for paper money. Roll, place inside baggie, stash inside unused/dead electrical outlet, preferably hidden behind furniture.

  5. Before we got the security system i would put awad of cash and car keys on a table out in the open before we went to sleep. Let em take the money and cars but leave us alone.

  6. Take an interior door off the hinges, drill a hole(s) in the top edge. Hide valuables in the holes. String or magnets help retrieve the goods. You and nobody else besides a demolition crew will ever see the holes.

  7. We hide our spare cash in an old pair of work boots. Been broken into twice, they got everything else, including obsolete electronics and cameras. Somewhere out there is an ad for a pair of tidy whiteys with skid marks. Sposta hide money in the fly. Probably works.

  8. I have 5 Canadian quarters … they’re buried out in the back yard in a cigar box.
    Over in the Goose Compound, behind the second cinderblock – can’t say how deep, though, that might give it away …

    izlamo delenda est …

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