The mixed-up files of Mr. Joe Robinette Biden – IOTW Report

The mixed-up files of Mr. Joe Robinette Biden

Howie Carr:

How bad will Dementia Joe Biden sound a year from now?

This edition of Weekend at Biden’s comes mostly from two of his recent appearances, one in Scranton and the other at the CNN Clown Hall, I mean Town Hall, Thursday night in Baltimore.

You’ll notice he now seldom ventures far outside the Beltway, but remaining on familiar ground no longer saves him. The only good news Thursday night was that CNN only had 1.2 million viewers for Biden’s latest live-television demonstration of the legal phrase “non composmentis.”

All dialogue guaranteed verbatim.

In Baltimore, Biden was utterly adrift. He spotted the state’s two Democrat senators, and a Black guy standing next to them. He immediately gave a shout out to the Black guy, ID’ing him as Brandon Scott, the mayor of Baltimore.

Actually, it was Rep. Kweisi Mfume, who is 72. Mayor Scott is 35. Imagine if Donald Trump had ever made such a mistake.

Biden whined about the two Democrat senators balking at his multi-trillion-dollar welfare boondoggle, except he couldn’t even remember both their names.

He said the roadblock was “Mr. Manchin and one other person.”

Um, would that be Sen. Kyrsten Sinema?

When Dementia Joe’s in front of a crowd that includes a lot of Blacks, he just can’t help himself.

“Think-a this. If you’re graduating from Morgan State OK well guess what? You didn’t have those great dances the last four years that you’d have before you went out — no, I’m not joking!” MORE

15 Comments on The mixed-up files of Mr. Joe Robinette Biden

  1. Anon 2:19,
    Amend that to “The fact that so many of Americas DildoCrat and RINO GOPe “leaders” are old fossils…..”
    There. Fixed it for ya.

  2. There are decades of hard documentation to show that Gropey Joe is a moron, a pathological liar, a punching down bully, and a rampant law breaker, but it’s like he is protected from on high by the goddamn prince of darkness. The entire town of DC and the US press corps have protected this stupid fuck for decades… Why?!!!

  3. “but it’s like he is protected from on high by the goddamn prince of darkness. The entire town of DC and the US press corps have protected this stupid fuck for decades… Why?!!!”

    That should read Prince of Darkness, it is a proper name.
    If there was a “Big Bang’, Who made there to be one?? The same He who allows this ‘Prince’ to do his thang.

  4. It’s the whacky, slick, savy, madcap, daffy, fresher, ding-a-ling, ring-a-ding, loony, scuzzy, zany side-splitting, slap-happy, rib-tickling, dreary, irksome, tedious, banal, smutty, mixed up files of Jackass Joe!

  5. I wonder if joeys a chicken (shit) with the middle name of Robinette like Brave Sir Robin (joey’s not so brave) running away from the killer rabbit in Monty Python and the Holly Grail. Run away joey before your shadow and your past lies creeps up on you and scares the living daylights out of you.

  6. Sorry, I’ve had enough of politics. This just made me want to re-read “From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.” I googled this classic book from my childhood, only to find it has been banned here and there and now I want to know why…


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