The Moment Obama Realizes that Biden’s Candidacy Was a Terrible Mistake – IOTW Report

The Moment Obama Realizes that Biden’s Candidacy Was a Terrible Mistake

Red State:

President Obama teamed up with his former Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday for a virtual fundraiser. The Biden campaign announced that the pair managed to raise over $11 million, which made this Biden’s single biggest finance event so far. The campaign reported that over half came from “175,000 grass-roots donors.”

“I am here to say that help is on the way if we do the work, because there’s nobody I trust more to be able to heal this country and get back on track than my dear friend Joe Biden,” Obama said to the 120,000 people logged on to the event.

The current administration,” Obama said, “has gone at the very foundations of who we are and who we should be. That suggests facts don’t matter, science doesn’t matter. That suggests that a deadly disease is fake news. That sees the Justice Department as simply an extension and arm of the personal concerns of the president. That actively promotes division. And considers some people in this country more real as Americans than others.”

He sees the current civil unrest as a “great awakening.” But he warned against complacency. “We can’t be complacent or smug or sense that somehow it’s so obvious that this president hasn’t done a good job because, look, he won once.”

Biden’s campaign recently announced they’d raked in $80 million for the month of May, outperforming Team Trump by $6 million.

At one point during the event, Biden lapsed into the hesitant speech which has come to be normal for him. He said, “…Stop. Stop the cold war future that we’re talking about. We’re talking about a co..a peaceful cold war. What are we talking about?” MORE HERE

20 Comments on The Moment Obama Realizes that Biden’s Candidacy Was a Terrible Mistake

  1. It’s this type of thing that is the motivation toward the dictatorship of the democrat deep state. These people have no political affiliation. They don’t understand that if you sink the country, they and their families will go down too. But greed makes a person blind.

  2. The very former President Osmidgen hogged the opportunity for his very former Vice President, Dementia Joe Obiden, to take the stage and make it known that the torch had been passed to another corrupt political hack. Undoubtedly, Osmidgen knows better than anyone that his hapless, stumbling, bumbling, mentally incompetent, colleague in crime can’t remember what’s supposed to be the topic of this virtual fundraiser. If Obiden gets elected, the worst days of the Osmidgen Administration will look like a clean, articulate storybook.

  3. “The campaign reported that over half came from “175,000 grass-roots donors.””

    That is: 175,000 put up $5.5 Million and the Chinks (or Soros or Gates or Steyer) put up the other $5.5 Million.
    That turns out to $31.42 each (on average) – a bit more reasonable.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I see the former Fluffer in Chief is still arrogant, smug and talking with that lecturing and authoritative manner. I bet his rent-a-daughters snicker behind his spineless back.

  5. “That sees the Justice Department as simply an extension and arm of the personal concerns of the president.”

    Did Barky really say that with a straight face? TFG.

  6. what??? there were 175,000 ‘grass root’ supporters that gave during the ‘event’, but only 120,000 people tuned in?

    …. yeah, sure …. totally bogus bullcrap


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