The Moral Case for Fleeing Gomorrah States – IOTW Report

The Moral Case for Fleeing Gomorrah States

The Federalist

A new book, Fight by Flight by Pastor Joel Webbon, advances the view that it’s OK to leave deep-blue states. Indeed, such trends could shape future elections for the better. As Webbon says, “If less than 100,000 conservatives/Christians living in California had moved to Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, or Wisconsin before the 2020 election, the whole world might look different. 6 million votes for Trump in California, and all we needed was 76, 514 (less than 1 and a half percent).” More

10 Comments on The Moral Case for Fleeing Gomorrah States

  1. “If less than 100,000 conservatives/Christians living in California had moved to Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, or Wisconsin before the 2020 election, the whole world might look different. 6 million votes for Trump in California, and all we needed was 76, 514 (less than 1 and a half percent).”

    Sure, boss.

    Let’s go with THAT!

    Voat HARDERER!

    You know, it just might WORK next time!


  2. A few of us on here have done exactly that. In my case from Oregon to Arizona. But as Dominion, above noted, how you vote doesn’t matter, it’s the ballots. But at least I am surrounded by kindred spirits.

  3. Although it makes perfect sense for conservatives to bail on blue states and move to areas more simpatico to their values, conservatives in the rest of the country should not criticize those that don’t.

    As Thomas Sowell famously said, “There are no solutions, only trade-offs”. Each person makes his own risk/reward analysis and goes from there. Whether it be job constraints, family, weather, or lifestyle, picking up roots, especially from a place you have lived most of your life, and moving, can be taunting.

    Of course, California blows, but I live in a safe neighborhood, good police coverage, can play tennis 12 months out of the year (haven’t yet needed my A/C this year), have a great library, and provides sufficient culture outlets. Yes, I am surrounded by libs but by and large, they are good people.

    I regularly re-evaluate as things are getting worse. But for now, I’m settled.

  4. With regard to California, at least, the Republican party is complicit in allowing the Democrats to take over. The RNC has effectively ceded Californian to the Democrats, and spends little time or effort in supporting Republican candidates. Presidential candidates fly into Orange County and perhaps San Diego to raise money, and that’s about it.

    Like Rich, we lived in a good area and enjoyed much of what California had to offer. But I can’t say the same for my children, and they (and many of their classmates) have relocated elsewhere in the US. My wife and I also left, and while I miss some of what the state has to offer, I’m very satisfied with my decision to move.

    Progressives seem to have a skewed outlook on life – if something is enjoyable, it must be restricted or banned. Unless, of course, you are an illegal immigrant – in which case there are no limits.

  5. I went through California last year when I drove from BC to Texas. The last time before that wax 2014.

    I miss California— the way it used to be. Next year will be my 50 high school reunion. The old home town is not same. Many of my classmates are downright leftists. I see no reason to go.

  6. Goldenfoxx at 6:07 pm Leave and go where? Where’s Shang-ra-La?

    The people in Shang ra la are staying quiet. Anybody who asks “where” is already “where” they should be.


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