The More Things Change the More Al Sharpton Stays the Same – IOTW Report

The More Things Change the More Al Sharpton Stays the Same

Daily Caller

Racism is abhorrent. So are shakedown artists who cry racism to rake in cash.

The Rev. Al Sharpton publicly threatened McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski on April 27, using the same language his National Action Network has used for three decades to squeeze cash out of major corporations.

Sharpton referred to “multiple accusations of racial discrimination” by McDonald’s and warned that NAN is poised to mobilize nationally against the company. “You cannot sell Black folks Big Macs and give us little justice,” he said. More

16 Comments on The More Things Change the More Al Sharpton Stays the Same

  1. I hope Revrum Al is successful in extorting McD’s. They have been kissing black ass for over 50 years, preferential hiring, damn near every commercial featuring and geared to blacks, donations to every black cause, etc.

  2. I hope the McDee’s CEO tells Not-So-Sharpton (NSS) to f##k off.
    If NSS starts a strike with McDee’s, then the black community will go hungry.

  3. It’s about time someone told Sharpton, “NO”.
    McDonald’s is big enough to get their own media time to go out and tell the truth.
    But, like the article says, it’s most often to pay up $100,000 than go to court.

  4. I often wonder what Al is a “reverend” of. Is there a Christian denomination composed of racist black people who follow a different set of values than normal Christians do? Or is Al a self-described “man of the cloth” with little to no understanding of Christianity. While I should not judge, I imagine that when Al’s spirit passes on it will be in for a very big and extremely unpleasant (but well deserved) surprise.

  5. How old is this FBI snitch, thug, racist, recently come down from the trees piece of shit. The day can’t come soon enough when this humanoid cancer takes his final breath, is summoned for his final judgement before God, and is consigned to one of the lower circles of hell for all of eternity. What is ironic about this dipped in evil pond scum is that he screws both whites and his black brothers and sistahs equally.


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