The Morgan Freeman GPS – IOTW Report

The Morgan Freeman GPS

17 Comments on The Morgan Freeman GPS

    I’m so old I remember when conservative blogs and websites used to communicate with each other on email lists and by frequent linking to each other.

    When Legal Insurrection started in October 2008, that was how we let the world know we existed and what we were writing. So-called “blog whoring,” whereby smaller blogs clogged the inboxes of people at larger websites hoping for a link, was how it was done. This website would not have thrived without the appreciated links from Instapundit, Hot Air, Michelle Malkin, and dozens of other blogs.

  2. A James Brown version would be the absolute best. Singing to me my directions with funk in the background. Every time I make a correct turn he would shout “Huh!”. Wrong move, “Heyyyy!”

  3. With all the advances in artificial intelligence you would think that they could invent a GPS that can argue with you.
    “I said turn LEFT! LEFT DAMN YOU, FINE! Do what you want, see if I care”

  4. I found the squirrel voice for Nuvi was the most entertaining.

    Even if you were on a long straightaway, he’d chime in every so often with an off-the-wall question or observation.

    “Heeey! Do you think that gas station sells walnuts?”

    “If you see a squirrel run out in the middle of the road, don’t hit him! It could be my uncle. He’s craazy like that!”

    “If I could reach the pedals, I think I would be a great driver!”

    I don’t use any voice now.

  5. @greetingsfromyonkers GPS:

    Instructs you only either to go straight or turn right. GFY is a wholly heteronormative, conservative entity.

    “You just turned left……who the fuck are you, Bernie Sanders?”

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