The Most Chilling “Pandemic” Video I Have Ever Seen, This is Not a Horror Movie, This is Real Life: Quarantine Police Keep Man Locked Up While He Loses His Mind – IOTW Report

The Most Chilling “Pandemic” Video I Have Ever Seen, This is Not a Horror Movie, This is Real Life: Quarantine Police Keep Man Locked Up While He Loses His Mind

This is bad. Real bad.


No air, no leaving the room for 338 hours, second time in my 11 days here someone has totally smashed up there room, babies crying. I think this guy thought he was leaving today when he is actually leaving at 11.59pm tonight. You go crazy being all alone. Is this really necessary. I myself had 9 negative tests before being denied to quarantine at home and I am vaccinated. Why ? What is the price of Victorians mental health ? does any one actually care ? This guy is threatened to be gassed by authorities if he doesn’t calm down ?? WTF !

17 Comments on The Most Chilling “Pandemic” Video I Have Ever Seen, This is Not a Horror Movie, This is Real Life: Quarantine Police Keep Man Locked Up While He Loses His Mind

  1. I made a vow to myself long ago, after reading way too much about POW’s and concentration camps, that I would die before submitting to internment. The “life” they let you live is not worth living.

    Thank god I live in a place where if I must die in a hail of bullets, it will be a two-way hail storm. And the hail storms are coming here.

  2. I watched this a couple days ago. I don’t get it. You don’t need firearms to revolt. It’s like some damn horror movie a whack job Hollywood type dreamed up. I can’t imagine this is the only hotel the Australian Nazi Government has invaded.

  3. “’These are the times that try men’s souls; the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph’.” Thomas Paine

  4. A young woman has been going house to house in my neighborhood with a clipboard in her hand. I don’t know why but I wonder if it’s someone asking people if they have been vaxed. That’s not very likely where I live, but if it is, she will be rethinking her life choices should I decide to open the door.

  5. Note that China has enormous influence on the Leftists in Australia.
    – (And in the U.S., BTW)
    I hate to be paranoid, but I believe this is all part of the plan to break down the white civilized societies.

  6. Msloosedag September 8, 2021 at 12:30 pm

    Australia took the guns first, now they can do this. I always thought Aussies were more independent than this, but they are folding fast.

    When we visited Australia, it was the female Aussies who were happy they turned in the guns. This was a couple of years ago that we visited Sydney, Australia. I don’t believe they’ve learned anything from it. They’ll either sink or swim. Brad is right, the numbers can over take the authorities. Keeping them isolated is to prevent them from uniting and coming up with a plan.

  7. @Hambone

    Re: Woman with a clipboard walking around door to door.

    Just answer the door in just your underwear.
    Just Make sure the Head of you Salami is Half Hanging Out the Side of the Ball pouch. Maybe hold a chicken leg in one hand for effect.



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