The Most Disinterested Man…. – IOTW Report

The Most Disinterested Man….


20 Comments on The Most Disinterested Man….

  1. Joseph McCarthy said quite wisely over 60 years ago, “Our job as Americans is to dislodge the traitors from every place where they’ve been sent to do their work”

    I do believe that that has started.

  2. Comey, dishonorable, clinton lackey with no professionalism or integrity.
    What you have done is to harm every American.
    Unfortunately you weakness implicates your entire FBI Agency.
    Nice legacy for the ending of your career, prick.

  3. Why should Comey GAF about America?
    He got his.

    He’ll scurry out of the FBI and land in the fattest, cushy-est job that could scarce be imagined. Riches beyond the dreams of Croesus – well, not on the scale of Goring, but riches, nonetheless – pretty good for a policeman. So what if America turns into a 3rd world cesspit? Why should he care? He’ll live in a gated community with no negroes, no spicks, no chinks, no ragheads, and no white trash anywhere near. Life will be good – and all he had to do was – NOTHING.

    C’mon boy … sit up … beg … rollover …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. This guy has always been bought and paid for by the Clinton Mafia. He was behind the Scooter Libby misdirected justice(?).

    Pathetic, transparent, loser, flying monkey.

  5. Comey Background (He’s not regular FBI):

    After graduating from law school, Comey became a law clerk to a U.S. District Judge in Manhattan and later became an associate in a law firm in the city. After becoming a U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York, Comey’s career moved through the U.S. Attorney’s Office until he became Deputy Attorney General during the George W. Bush administration.

    After Bush left office, Comey entered the private sector and became general counsel and Senior Vice President for Lockheed Martin, among other private sector posts. President Barack Obama appointed him to FBI director in 2013 replacing out going-director Robert Mueller.

    Read more:

  6. Even though Comey’s appointment doesn’t expire for a couple more years, I think President Trump should demand his resignation two months from now.

    If we think career non-political FBI agents were in mutiny against Comey before, wait for the internal FBI uprising now that President-elect Trump will soon be their boss.

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