The Most Disturbing Video I Have Ever Seen – “Covid” Patients Are Essentially Being Murdered By NY State – IOTW Report

The Most Disturbing Video I Have Ever Seen – “Covid” Patients Are Essentially Being Murdered By NY State

Sent in by Tony R., this is a long video that I could not stop watching once I started. This is like the Michael Crichton novel Coma.

A nurse has put her entire career on the line to expose exactly why NY State’s Covid-19 death rate is higher than the rest of the country. Simply put, they are murdering the patients for cash.

This is not hyperbole. She explains how and why it’s being done.

This is not a shadowy figure with voice distortion. She identifies herself and shows her face and she is supremely credentialed and is highly rated and respected in her field. Her career began in the military. She is the real deal.

Her suspicions began when she had the opportunity to come to New York from Florida to work at what is known as the epicenter of the epicenter for Covid-19, Elmhurst, Queens.

Her first impression was that the hospital was worse than the 3rd world hospitals she worked in in Iraq. The majority of the doctors were under-qualified, mostly residents and fellows who were following a protocol scripted by “higher ups.” They were afraid to assess anyone coming to the hospital on an individual basis, or question any authority.

Keep in mind, the hospital she worked for in Florida had zero deaths. Elmhurst had only one patient survive after being put on a ventilator. One.

That person was a drug addict that didn’t respond to the narcotics he was put on and ripped the ventilator out of his throat. He was home 2 days later.

I was naive about ventilators, thinking they were integral for surviving this virus. No. Ventilators at Elmhurst are a death sentence.

Stat News-

…a baffling observation about Covid-19: Many patients have blood oxygen levels so low they should be dead. But they’re not gasping for air, their hearts aren’t racing, and their brains show no signs of blinking off from lack of oxygen.

Not only are the doctors in NY not heeding this observation, they are rushing patients onto ventilators as soon as possible, and sometimes when the patient doesn’t have Covid-19.

You read that right.

This nurse observed patients who she believed had some breathing problems from simple congestion, but whose symptoms were exacerbated by anxiety and fear of Covid-19.

The doctors would then force them into the Covid-19 protocol, sometimes ending up on ventilators with blood oxygen levels of 88%, never to recover. The insidious part is that they would routinely put patients “suspected” of Covid-19 in rooms with people who were already testing positive, her belief being that the hospital had an incentive to make sure patients got the virus once they arrived.


Because anyone put on a ventilator earned the hospital $29,000 in funding.


NY State started by requesting tens of thousands of ventilators, and by hook or crook they were going to put a body on every one of them.

In this video she gives specific examples of patients she personally handled that she believes had no reason to have died. This video is heartbreaking.

Nearly all of the patients were minorities. So much for Black Lives Matter.

(She also says that “Trump’s drug” works, but it doesn’t bring in the cash at the public hospitals.)

This is a must see, must forward.

36 Comments on The Most Disturbing Video I Have Ever Seen – “Covid” Patients Are Essentially Being Murdered By NY State

  1. Our medical system is run politically with people killed for cash in our worst city’s hospitals. (Are we shocked by this?)

    Governors deciding who is ‘essential’ and who is not, ignoring the Constitution, ruining people’s lives and tearing apart families, causing the steepest economic downturn in history. No recovery in sight. (Can the country at least have a debate about THIS ONE ISSUE ALONE?)

    Left-wing control of America’s media and corporations sponsoring riots and destruction in our cities. (Will we stop it?)

    (The list is long.)

    But each day, I begin anew with a brief return to “normalcy bias.” It must be human nature to do that.

    But it doesn’t last long. I’m home today, but the truth is I’m in ‘Plan B Mode.’ There is also a Plan C in the works.

    I highly recommend everyone have a Plan B (at least) and get busy with it. The “Second Wave” – of COVID-19, of economic downturn, of Leftist violence, of dictatorial governors and phony lockdowns, and of general cultural paranoia – is coming.

    COVID-19 will take up to two years to fully spread through the human population according to expert virologists. But we knew that already, didn’t we? So no surprise there, and no reason to allow the likes of Governor Inslee to do it to us again!!

  2. …this is like that time the nurse pointed out then-Illinois Senator Obama ordered babies who survived abortions to be left to die because they were inconvenient.

    …no one cared then because, politics. It affected Obama not at all, and was mostly forgotten.

    And babies are cuter than old people. No one’s gonna care about THIS very long either because, politics. No proof will be available, no relatives witnessed anything, and Democrats never get charged for anything anyway, so nice, but ultimately futile, gesture, but God bless her for having a conscious…

  3. Cuomo and deBlasio are murderers…..there is no other way to put it. I laugh when I hear Prince Andy-Boy pontificate about how we’re supposed to behave because my calculation says do 180 degrees opposite of what he wants me to do and I’ll be just fine.

  4. Thanks for posting this Fur. The producers encouraged people to copy the video and share it, presumably before YouTube bans it. Unfortunately DeBlazio and Cuomo will do everything they can to destroy this woman. She needs our prayers for what is heading her way.

  5. The scariest thing about the Covid restrictions is the total isolation of the patients in the hospital. I would opt to die at home rather than check into a hospital without an advocate to look out for me. I have accompanied 2 family members on significant hospital stays that would certainly have been more painful and expensive (and perhaps deadly), had they not had someone to speak and do for them in their delirium/coma. The patient is so vulnerable, the staff so overworked, and so much of the care is scheduled per the needs of the institution, not the individual. And that’s in the best situations, when good people are actually trying to save you and keep you comfortable –without the incentive of a payoff when you die.

  6. I hate to be a wet blanket, but people, do you really think we’re coming out of this? Dr. Faustus is trying to make COVID last through November. His latest scare-tactics have driven the DOW down more than 1500 points so far today.

    This Elmhurst Trauma Center story has been, and will be, replicated all over the East Coast.


  7. I have only watched about 1/2 the video. I read awhile back that a Johns Hopkins study estimate up to 250,000 people a year die due to hospital or doctor error. Hard to believe that when i first read it, now much more believable after watching this.

  8. Dear Lord, please protect ans hold to Your heart, the medical whistle owers and their loved ones. Please convert or stop those who are acting against Your will and against life. We ask this in Jesus’s Name.

  9. Little Morphin’ Annie
    JUNE 11, 2020 AT 2:22 PM

    ^^^. “I would opt to die at home rather than check into a hospital without an advocate to look out for me. ”

    …amen to that. Last time my son was in a hospital, they would have killed him with dithering and understaffedness if I hadn’t gone in with years of medical training behind me to save him myself with the Lord’s help and we didn’t raise six different kinds of holy hell to get him Albuteral and a move to ICU. I’ve covered that here before so I won’t repeat it, but suffice to say that, under CURRENT hospital practices, we would have gone home, had a nice dinner, slept in our own beds, and picked up the corpse of my son the next day.

    No doubt.

    Nursing homes, X10. No one even QUESTIONS when an OLD person dies. Plus, with them on lockdown, orderlies are free to beat the paitents for being White.

    …no, no nursing home for ME.

    …my wife knows what to do, if it comes to that…

  10. SNS,
    TY for bringing up and linking to the Jill Stanek video. She is an terrific young woman.. she’s a stalwart. Major whistle blower of the practice of putting babies out of sight while they died, in a place called, of all things, Christ Hospital.

  11. SND,
    When the Chinese flu hit the news cycle nearly at the same time I started chemo, I in no u certain terms instructed my kids and their spouses….no hospital and NO intubation for me. HCQ protocol for me and that’s that. My order still stands.

  12. I hope she is back in Florida and has made it clear to friends and family that she is happy and would never kill herself. It would be a shame if she “Epstiened” herself.

  13. …she’s an amazing woman, PJ, and I can certainly empathize with dealing with dying/deceased infants, it DEFINITELY makes it hard to love your fellow man when you have to deal with the stupid, the evil, the plain callousness that caused them to die.

    …fun fact…when I was on squad and out in sin so I didn’t otherwise care, I had a Christian 911 dispatcher who set me straight o n “Christ Hospital”, even though I never met him. I would call, “2K91 enroute to Christ”, and he would IMMEDIATELY come back and SLOWLY read back “2K91 to THE Christ HOSPITAL”, with extra emphasis on THE and HOSPITAL. This was usually acknowledged,sort of, when the unit arrived there and called, somewhat sheepishly, “2K91 at the Christ Hospital”. He did that for EVERYONE, and most people learned after a time or two.

    But there was a practical side, too. Most agencies had a repeater on frontline units, and on a fireground the first-in engine would have it piped to a VERY LOUD external speaker, so the WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD could hear the County traffic…so, if you left a fire or accident in an ambulance that EVERYBODY could see, then they heard your bright, chipper, 3AM voice on the loudspeaker saying “2K91 Enroute to Christ”, the neighbors would sometimes think you were flippantly announcing someone had died and was LITERALLY on their way to Jesus Christ, and would complain…and it didn’t make CHILDREN or SPOUSES feel better, EITHER.

    …so, just a weirdness of mine, there is no coupling of “Christ” to “Hospital” that I won’t use a “THE” for..

    (Also, 2K91 wasn’t my actual call sign. Even though they don’t use that system any more, I have stll changed the names to protect the innocent…)

    …sorry about that. Pointless rant OFF.

    God Bless,

  14. And then you have the thousands who died because the establishment talked up the dangers of HCW and quoted laughably compromised studies

    People didnt get HCQ-Zinc cocktail within 2 days of symptoms because of “fears” of side effects of HCQ

    So lets wait for three more days and let the virus ravage lungs and circulation and THEN use HCQ, when its too late. And then say “What did we say; it doesnt work!! ….. Stoo-pid Trump, creating false hope.”

    I never really hated these people until now

  15. PJ JUNE 11, 2020 AT 3:01 PM
    TY for bringing up and linking to the Jill Stanek video. She is an terrific young woman.. she’s a stalwart. Major whistle blower of the practice of putting babies out of sight while they died, in a place called, of all things, Christ Hospital.”

    …this is weird to me too, besides my rant topic, because as you and I have discussed before, I was always under instruction to NOT take rape patients to ANY of the Catholic hospitals, because they could NOT get abortificants like RU-486 there.

    At that time and in that place, they were steadfast in that. It would have been weird for me to take a rape or miscarriage or any other pregnancy patient to the local version of The Christ Hospital then anyway because they didn’t really have renown as a woman’s issue hospital anyway (they were celebrated for their heart program, though, saved my dad’s life with a 5 way open hearT CABG so I liked ’em for THAT), but if I HAD taken a girl there I would have been VERY surprised if they DID abortions, and absolutely SHOCKED if they let a baby die.

    …it’s a different world now, though. Maybe they WOULD now.

    …but I would hope that anyone sacrificing to Baal in this manner under the banner of CHRIST gets something EXTRA special at the Judgement for that ALONE, but that’s just me…

  16. PJ
    JUNE 11, 2020 AT 5:20 PM

    “…I met Jill a number of times during my pro-life work.
    She was and still is instrumental in the fight for life.”

    …You ever see her again, please thank her for me. You can use my real name if you like, you know it already. I have used her Senate testimony many, many times over the years in different forums I’ve been involved in, and it’s lost NONE of its power over the years…

  17. DaveVA
    JUNE 11, 2020 AT 2:41 PM
    “I have only watched about 1/2 the video. I read awhile back that a Johns Hopkins study estimate up to 250,000 people a year die due to hospital or doctor error. Hard to believe that when i first read it, now much more believable after watching this.”

    …death CAUSED by health care was, and is, so common that they have special words for it.

    Iatrogenic – your doctor made you sick or killed you,

    Nosocomial – your hospital made you sick or killed you.

    …fancy words so you don’t know what they’re saying if you happen to read the chart, but admissions of the human condition nonetheless. Humans make mistakes, and doctors and nurses are human; sometimes they make those mistakes on YOU.

    …a third $50 word you may see is “idiopathic”.

    Sounds sophisticated.

    It ain’t.

    It only is an admission that they have no idea what your problem is, how you got there, and/or what to DO about it.

    …but they may later change it to iatrogenic or nosocomial..

    …at autopsy…

    …i’m gonna BET that we have way LESS of all THREE this year, thoght.

    Because they’ll just put everything off to COVID. No muss, no fuss, politically difficult to challenge, and the hospital makes more money to boot. Any potential witnesses to your malpractice were safely locked out of the hospital because, COVID, and your mistakes are safely buried in a red BIOHAZARD bag.

    …for the incompetent physician, what’s NOT to love…

  18. Nursing homes are the new concentration camps. And ‘viruses’ are the new Zyklon B.

    They finally figured out a way to commit genocide here in the US: kill-off the greatest generation, and beyond.

  19. I sure would tell her SNS. I doubt I will in this lifetime though.

    I really thought this Spring I could make it to one of the many P-L fundraising banquets but, because of Chinese Flu, no fundraising banquets.
    I wish I could still be involved in the movement. When arthritis hit me so hard I had to give up near everything.

    One of my P-L friends called the movement the black hole of P-L. Once in, you never get out. 🙂

  20. Money talks – loud.
    Those who have only ‘moral relativism’ have no reason to not kill people, if it profits their god – the .gov, a money sucking fascist whore of a god.

    Expecting moral behavior out of ‘moral relativists’ is like thinking that globalists can also be patriotic.

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