The “Most Educated” Generation – IOTW Report

The “Most Educated” Generation

I keep hearing this, that this is the most educated generation. I see stupid people.

12 Comments on The “Most Educated” Generation

  1. I am currently interviewing college grads for several entry level positions on my team. One candidate actually boasted of her activism to force her University to divest from fossil fuel industries as one of her accomplishments.

    Who wouldn’t want an activist agitator on their team in a corporate environment? I’m still interviewing…

  2. “The “Most Educated” Generation.”

    “Educated” in the faux benefits of Marxism, but not the reality of it. That all comes later on after you’re poor, broke, homeless, defenseless, and on the government twat.

    Equal misery for all.

  3. I am queer, so I can use that word, said the funny lookin’ fella.
    Jeeessee! For once I would like to see Watters interview some working people. Go to a construction site, a small business, an American Legion Hall, a VFW meeting and interview some real Americans FFS!

  4. Educated = Indoctrinated

    As RM remarked above, educated doesn’t mean smart.

    Intelligence is native, smart is learned, indoctrination is imposed.

    No amount of window dressing can make the pathetically stupid appear other than pathetically stupid.

  5. Truly, pigs among us wearing lipstick.
    Educated fools, who like the President, set forth their own realities and say it is so. Dangerous imbeciles who act like there is no history prior to electronic data, who have no use for books, sniff at experience, and line up as though they know the way.

  6. The Universe did not exist prior to its creation by the Bachelor of Art, upon his/her matriculation at that (whichever) august institution which was so blessed at having him/her attend and grace its hallowed halls.

    None are so ignorant as those who believe that they are enlightened by “education.” As Aristotle told Alexander “There is no Royal Road.” Anything given to you (outside of Mother’s love and the Grace of God) isn’t worth having. If one doesn’t struggle to learn, then one doesn’t “learn.” Accepting the “Professors” professions is tantamount to accepting money from the “government.”

    Their ignorance is surpassed only by their arrogance.

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