“The Most Educated Generation” Can’t Define the Term They Identified as a Major Crisis – IOTW Report

“The Most Educated Generation” Can’t Define the Term They Identified as a Major Crisis

21 Comments on “The Most Educated Generation” Can’t Define the Term They Identified as a Major Crisis

  1. Would not call them ‘educated,’ but indoctrinated. They really are the most ignorant generation, with no useful skils, and too soft to fight in the military.

    The left sure won this round (thanks, GOPe). Hopefully, we have a second round.

  2. Fruit-boy at 1:33- Yo Moron, MEN are physically dominant.
    For all of them in general, please observe the old adage:

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

  3. To forever pacify the men of Sardis, Croesus suggested that Cyrus:
    “… prohibit them from possessing the weapons of war, order them to wear tunics under their cloaks and soft boots, instruct them to play the lyre and the harp, and tell them to educate their sons to be shopkeepers.”
    (~550 BC)

    Thus, Cyrus eliminated “toxic masculinity” from Lydia.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I never like to be too harsh with young people because the fault lies with those that guided their thinking and those that allowed it to happen.
    It’s a shame there is so little pushback since few things are as important.

  5. “…the construct….uh…is not…uh …conducive to…”

    Apparently her professor just covered “C” group of terms to be babbled as word salad (ala’ JBP) when attempting to bullshit the masses.

  6. Ugh. My brain hurts.
    You know what toxic masculinity is? How feminists in society blame all their damn problems on men. They want all the comforts of plumbing, the energy grid, telecommunications and transport and defense and law enforcement infrastructure, then gripe and moan that the men who build it aren’t sensitive enough and that we need to emote more.
    I want the feminists go out and try to arrest crackheads, fight terrorists, cut firewood in the snow in the mountains, rebuild a car engine in the middle of a blizzard when your tools are so cold they actually burn your hands, roof a house in 110 degree heat, install hardware on an aircraft in MOPP 4 in the Sacramento valley in summer, put a steel roof on a hooch in a lightning storm in the Hindu Kush while cutting that roofing with your pocket knife because THAT’S THE ONLY TOOL YOU HAVE FOR THE JOB, or roll around in cellulose insulation while rewiring a house. I’ve done all of this, and you want to know what my emotions are? I want to be left the Hell alone by all these touchy-feely come-as-you-are snowflakes and enjoy the fruits of my own labor. And I want the rest of society to make an attempt to approach the level of stoicism and toughness displayed by the WOMEN in my life. If provoked enough, my wife would curb-stomp these pansies.


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