The “Most Educated” Generation Know Nothing – IOTW Report

The “Most Educated” Generation Know Nothing

11 Comments on The “Most Educated” Generation Know Nothing

  1. This is clear evidence that “education” in today’s world actually means indoctrination into communist doctrine. These vapid morons (they are young, so I can excuse some of it to some extent) truly believe they are smarter than most of the US population because they are “college educated” (like many of us fly-over country “rubes” didn’t go to college, and even those without a “college education” have acquired quite an effective “education” through the “school of hard knocks” by living life and having to deal with college educated idiots like these morons that understand nothing about anything).

    Yet when questioned about current events or what a presidential candidate has said, these kids don’t even know what candidates have said, much less their history or what they actually stand for (other than the stereotypes they are supposedly taught to be against, but so readily accept against Trump and conservatives because the “mainstream media” and their college “professors” have drummed it into their empty heads for months / years on end).

    This video perfectly illustrates why people under 25 that haven’t actually had to pay taxes and be brutalized by what government is today should not be allowed to vote. Why should people that have proven by their own words that they have absolutely no idea about what is actually occurring in America today have any “right” to vote to determine the outcome for those of us that do pay attention and fully understand the consequences of full blown communism under a Hillary Clinton administration?

  2. Thank the NEA-their plan has worked to perfection. Throw in the vote for millions of gravy train riding illegals and you can kiss this country adios.

    Our Founders knew what they were doing when they made property owning men the only ones who could vote.

    Yeah, I’m sexist-tough shit.

  3. Trump could pull it off… He should gender identfy as a woman for a short period of time in order to capture the women vote.

    Even if it were a Sat Nite Live skit, it would be a killer.

    On top of that, The Donna would be sexier than the Hildabeast.

  4. It ain’t just the young … watch John Lewis (D-GA) do his “Kingfish” impression on the floor of the House.
    It’s enough to make you puke.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. University degrees are as follows: BS = Bull Shit …..MS = More Shit …. PhD = Piled High and Deeper. A total waste of your shitty, useless, time. Go to trade school and actually learn something.

  6. College is nothing more than liberal seminary. Where the ignorant and innocent are trained to be pius saints and martyrs of someone else’s leftist theology. Where they are indoctrinated and commanded to bow down and worship the bloated God of government, and taught to deny the demons of independent thought and freedom. A safe space where womyn can be God, and the worship of the creation rather than the creator can be glorified in all of its depravity. Amen.

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