The Most Repressed Rant I’ve Ever Heard – IOTW Report

The Most Repressed Rant I’ve Ever Heard

I received this with the note that it was a video of  a “libtard” getting thrown off a plane for complaining while on the tarmac. (The attendants felt it would be prudent to get him off the plane before he continued ranting in the air.)

I don’t think there’s enough evidence to emphatically call the guy a “libtard,” but there are a few clues that he might be.

He acts, sounds and dresses like an academic. This would lead one to conclude that he’s on the left.

I think this rant is hilarious.

It’s loud, but it’s so restrained and refined. It’s not, however, free of hyperbole. The guy says he’s been flying, commercially, for 70 years. That seems a bit hard to believe.

This is like Dr. Frasier Crane being thrown off a plane.


ht/ all too much


An Anonymous update in the comments lends more context.

Again, the guy’s rant is very measured and refined, it’s hard to see how he would ever be a danger on a flight.

Once again an airline screws up.

24 Comments on The Most Repressed Rant I’ve Ever Heard

  1. I got so sick and tired of flying commercial that I hired an executive jet service to fly me where I need to go for my business. It’s only once a month but God is it worth it.
    It leaves when I want to leave and it waits if I’m late.
    It’s not just me, it’s a total of 4 including sales people

  2. The Snowflakes are now the Flight Attendants. Such pitiful little souls cannot be expected to use intelligence in such terrifying situations as two people talking.
    Bots would be a welcome relief for TSA and Flight Attendants.

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