The “Most Secure Lottery In History”! – IOTW Report

The “Most Secure Lottery In History”!

No audit is necessary. It’s totally legit.

12 Comments on The “Most Secure Lottery In History”!

  1. Brad
    NOVEMBER 1, 2021 AT 2:12 AM
    “I have a feeling Virginia is going to be a free for all on Tuesday.”

    Nah, no contest. Terry won. Oh, WILL win.


    I already have the numbers…

  2. Virginia used to be such a great state. Now Northern VA. and cheating has ruined it. My family is voting tomorrow but if that bitch Terry doesn’t win I will be shocked.

  3. That’s because the GOP is a subset of nihilistic totalitarianism – as is the Jackass Party. They go along to get along, selling their souls to Satan on the installment plan.

    Fuck Joe Biden
    mortem tyrannis

    izlamo delenda est …


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