The Most Unintentional Hilarious Drivel Ever Written By Any Person EVER – IOTW Report

The Most Unintentional Hilarious Drivel Ever Written By Any Person EVER

Writing for Wapo, Stephanie Land, bint-supreme, says that the election of Donald Trump has caused her to cease looking for a man. This scary new world, it’s left her with no desire to introduce someone new into her and her family’s life.

Not now. Not at this time. They have to hunker down and stick together and all cuddle and cry.


Pictured: Stephanie Land. Photo taken at a time when she still had the ability to smile.


My oldest came out of her room the next morning to show me the money the Tooth Fairy had left her. She’d unexpectedly had to have a tooth pulled, and so bravely went through it that I said, “Just think: You’ll always remember the day you got a tooth pulled with the day we elected our first female president.”

When I told her Trump had won, she protested: “But Mom. You said Hillary was going to win.”

“A lot of people thought the same thing,” I said. I hugged her, a little scared to send her to school, out into the big sky country of the red state where we live.

That urge to cling to my family while keeping our foundation strong didn’t mesh well with continuing to date the man I’d been seeing. He also has a daughter. He, too, had been feeling a lot of the same emotions I was experiencing: hopelessness; fear; uncertainty about the future; panic over having to talk to my 9-year-old about anything that might come up at school, or what to do in the instance of sexual assault. But I couldn’t reach out to him anymore. He was too new, too unfamiliar.

My focus had to be on my community of friends that are my family. I need to fiercely love the people close to me instead of learning to love someone new. To reach out to others could weaken the bonds that hold my family together.

“I can’t,” I told him. “I just can’t.”

There is no room for dating in this place of grief. Dating means hope. I’ve lost that hope in seeing the words “President-elect Trump.”


Well, the good news is Donald Trump’s election may have caused some progressives to stop procreating.

By the way. How do I know we are winning? Because the WAPO comment section is sewing this woman’s face to her gas hole.

-Dear diary,
Today I broadcast to the entire world how batzhit crazy I am.
Stephanie Land

-No offense but you sound a bit like a nut.

-Is this real news or fake news?

-Let’s be fair. Plenty of people cried at the end of “The Dirty Dozen” when Jefferson made a break for it.

-as a parent and grandparent, I worry about the damage being done to the kids with these histrionics.

-I wasn’t kidding about progressives and mass Borderline Personality Disorder.

My sister has been diagnosed with BPD. She takes offense at any slight, real or imagined, then screeches for hours.

Which seems to be happening to lefties en mass these days.

-cuckoo, cuckoo, cukoo

-why does every liberal think their 7 year old daughter could give 2 $h*ts about the election??

-Single for over a decade, huh? That’s a real mystery there.

-I keep thinking that maybe someone at the WaPo reaaaaally hates Stephanie Land, and therefore made absolutely sure that this train-wreck of a piece got the green light.

-Steph, you sound like a nightmare.

-They never mention the father of their children, he’s completely invisible, but .. free.

And it goes on and on and on.

99% of the comments are of the opinion that this woman needs psychiatric help.

ht/ mel


41 Comments on The Most Unintentional Hilarious Drivel Ever Written By Any Person EVER

  1. Oh man, I have to tell you, the left just keeps giving. And I am hopefully not quite up to the middle of the biggest celebration ever. The celebration of the fall of the left.

  2. Unless she was dating pajama boy or a chris hayes type of guy, he is probably thanking God that Donald Trump won. It’s hard to imagine she doesn’t have a man in her life.

  3. I said, “Just think: You’ll always remember the day you got a tooth pulled with the day we elected our first female president

    Hilarious! Tooth pulled at the kitchen table with pliers and a foot on your chest.

  4. Bless her heart.
    Isn’t it amazing how a woman can reach adult years yet never have had any adversity or tribulation in her life.
    Grow up clueless cream puff.
    Please save yourself from “‘this place of grief” and do not reproduce again.

  5. Donald Trump has caused her to cease looking for a man.

    …and thus, Trump does every man on the face of the continent a favor.


  6. “panic over having to talk to my 9-year-old about anything that might come up at school” – time to get your tubes tied or keep your legs closed, cause you ain’t ready for parenting.

  7. I found her page. Won’t post but her byline: “Writer. Raising two smart, funny, strong little ladies. In love with a Shelter Dog. Probably in Carhartts. Coffee.”

    Too many like her out there. I’ve seen how they end up most of the time. Oh she’ll settle down eventually, with some old man in his fifties, bald, beer belly, and divorced like her. Most of these guys tag along until the kids are grown (smart), then they marry. She can screw all the guys she wants during her relationship with the old guy. Truth is stranger than fiction.

  8. Sounds like that kid is going to experience a lot of parental fairy tales and disappointments in her life:

    Tooth Fairy.
    President Hillary.
    Santa Claus.
    Easter Bunny.

    Good luck getting her to go to church after that!


  9. I can see why this ugly dick-rag has been single for a decade.
    There are not enough beers to make that look fuckable.
    Whiny little snowflake liberals make me laugh.

  10. Forty and Single;
    There’s a reason.
    Probably gets mad when she has to hire ‘some man’ to fix something and secretly resents the skill set they have, then plays the ‘chick’ card when negotiating the price.

  11. There oughta be a Nobel Prize for bullshit in literature. Was that a “Letter to the Editor” of WaPo or does Stept write for Wapo as a journalist of some sort?
    Either way, for fuck sake give us all a break. What a crazy, fucked up mind!

  12. The man should thank his lucky stars that Trump got elected and kept him from marrying this imbecile. Imagine Trump saving mens lives from women like her. GO TRUMP!

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