The Mouth of the Snake Has Its Tail In It – IOTW Report

The Mouth of the Snake Has Its Tail In It

Keep chewing.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Accuses Jeh Johnson of Lying Under Oath


Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz accused ex-DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson of lying under oath when he said the DNC refused the help of the DHS in their hacking scandal.

Johnson said during testimony in front of the House Intelligence Committee Wednesday that the Democratic National Committee refused DHS help with Russian hacking and opted not to turn over their hacked servers.

However, in a Thursday interview on CNN, Wasserman Schultz accused him of being “misinformed,” and said the DNC was never even made aware that their network had been compromised.

“He’s wrong in every respect,” Wasserman Schultz said. “At no point during my tenure at the DNC was I contacted by the FBI, DHS, or any government agency or alerted or made aware that they believed that the Russians–an enemy state–was intruding on our network.”

According to Wasserman Schultz, the only information they got about Russia hacking was through a phone call made to their tech support line.

“Secretary Johnson says the DNC rebuffed the help they offered,” CNN host Kate Bolduan pushed back. “You’re saying no one ever contacted you…”

“Respectfully, Secretary Johnson is utterly misinformed,” Wasserman Schultz shot back. “The FBI and other federal agencies did virtually nothing to make sure that when…there was concern that there was an intrusion on our network by the Russians, that they did virtually nothing to sound the alarm bells.”


ht/ all too much


20 Comments on The Mouth of the Snake Has Its Tail In It

  1. This is like watching a Perot episode where the murderer blurts out something only the murderer would know.

    And by the way, are we at war with Russia? Are they an enemy state now? Until the end of the Obama presidency they were pals. Part of Obama’s trusted coalition against terrorism.

  2. The interrogations of these people at Gitmo will be fascinating to read. I suggest POTUS post the confession transcripts on the WH website. Videos will be must-see TV. Redacted only as needed for National Security.
    Once DWS and Brazile and Podesta’s confessions are public, within 30 days the Democrat Party will simply cease to exist.

  3. The Awan brothers is ten times the scandal of the Russian hacking! How is this not being covered? I’ll tell you why, because the libs and the media are on the same side and the media can’t cover it because it hurts the libs. The only consistant source that I’ve seen on this is the Daily Caller. We need more honest Americans on this.

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