The multi-level chess masters of the GOP, and other tall tales – IOTW Report

The multi-level chess masters of the GOP, and other tall tales


Here’s the latest from the rubber room.

The GOP is sabotaging Cruz to elevate Trump in order to clear a path for Rubio.

The think­ing goes as fol­lows: If Cruz loses Iowa, he peters out in New Hamp­shire and doesn’t pose a risk of fin­ish­ing in a re­spect­able second place. That al­lows the es­tab­lish­ment win­ner out of the Gran­ite State to build mo­mentum as the anti-Trump al­tern­at­ive. A de­cent num­ber of Cruz’s sup­port­ers, when asked to choose a second can­did­ate, grav­it­ate to Ru­bio. Polls show many more of Trump sup­port­ers, by con­trast, would sup­port Cruz. And even with Trump’s im­prov­ing fa­vor­ab­il­ity num­bers with­in the GOP, there are more Re­pub­lic­an voters who wouldn’t vote for him un­der any cir­cum­stances than say the same about the sen­at­or from Texas.





7 Comments on The multi-level chess masters of the GOP, and other tall tales

  1. “If Cruz loses Iowa, he peters out in New Hamp­shire and doesn’t pose a risk of fin­ish­ing in a re­spect­able second place.”
    Possible, but not absolute.

    “That al­lows the es­tab­lish­ment win­ner out of the Gran­ite State to build mo­mentum as the anti-Trump al­tern­at­ive.”
    Possible, but only if they had momentum in the first place (Kasich? BWAHAHA).

    “A de­cent num­ber of Cruz’s sup­port­ers, when asked to choose a second can­did­ate, grav­it­ate to Ru­bio.”
    Entering Dreamland here.

    “Polls show many more of Trump sup­port­ers, by con­trast, would sup­port Cruz.”
    …only in the General if Cruz were the nominee. Otherwise, this sentence is a non-sequitur.

    “And even with Trump’s im­prov­ing fa­vor­ab­il­ity num­bers with­in the GOP, there are more Re­pub­lic­an voters who wouldn’t vote for him un­der any cir­cum­stances than say the same about the sen­at­or from Texas.”

    My head hurts. And it’s too early for a beer.

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