The Muslim Brotherhood Makes Sure Anti Semitic Professors Teach at U.S. Universities – It’s Working – IOTW Report

The Muslim Brotherhood Makes Sure Anti Semitic Professors Teach at U.S. Universities – It’s Working

Jews are attacked by Muslims because they are there. If ANY non-muslim was in the region, they would be attacked.

If Israel was a Buddhist country it would be getting the same treatment. This is not to say to say anti semitism is not real, it’s more to say that muslims are intolerant of any other religion and cannot coexist.

Someone could say, “But BFH, muslims live in Michigan, coexisting with others.”

Netanyahu said the difference between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority is simply the speed at which they want to kill Jews. Hamas wants it here and now. Others have patience.

5 Comments on The Muslim Brotherhood Makes Sure Anti Semitic Professors Teach at U.S. Universities – It’s Working

  1. Like I always say when somebody states facts, truth and common sense:
    “Well if yer gonna start making sense around here, I’m going home!”

    You think it’s bad now, just wait until all the millions of Illegals begin to flex their muscles!!
    The National Socialist Party (democRATz) is all in with this!

  2. That is one very beautiful courageous young lady speaking the truth about what’s going on in Israel. May God bless and protect her and Israel and the Jewish people from the terrorism of Hamas, Hezbollah etc. and ultimately from all the hatred emanating from Iran towards the Jews and America as well.


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