The mysterious Maltese professor Mifsud is missing – IOTW Report

The mysterious Maltese professor Mifsud is missing

Roger Simon in P J Media

…We’re supposed to believe he was a Russian agent who, in 2016, told a then very minor Trump aide named George Papadopoulos that the Kremlin was in possession of thousands of emails revealing “dirt” about Hillary Clinton that could help Trump’s campaign.

And who is this Joseph Mifsud? Well, we don’t know for sure because he’s disappeared. More

12 Comments on The mysterious Maltese professor Mifsud is missing

  1. He’s being hunted by a piggish looking and extremely vicious woman with heavy chafed thighs. If caught he’ll become just one more of many that drew her wrath.

  2. Professor Mifsud, in the milking barn, eating a milkeyway, surrounded by mischievous midgets from the maldives masticating malarious amounts of malted milk balls….

  3. Yes, but he did record an audio affidavit of his part in all this and — allegedly — the other players. No doubt he’s in a safe house somewhere under lock and key.


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